[color=fff200]Welcome to Star Wars: Eclipse[/color] I would love this role-play to be huge; bigger than ever, but I need your help. I want to start a role-play set in the Star Wars Universe but without any of the characters or major events (unless we all decide otherwise for certain events/characters). This role-play requires a large group (10-15) and a lot of time, but I know it can be done. The only things I would like to keep the same are races, planets & the all encompassing force. I want everyone to fill the roles, and wha tI mean is; I want villains (Sith, Bounty Hunters, Soldiers, Prophets, Aliens, Smugglers, Pirates, etc.), I want heroes (Jedi, Princess', Scoundrels, Soldiers, Diplomats, etc.) & even the in between (Grey Jedi, droids, civilians, etc.). I basically want us to create our own epic story, with our own epic characters. Where it goes, nobody will know. Now I would also like this to be a Casual/Advanced role-play and by that I mean fairly long posts (2-3 paragraphs minimum) and very detailed character sheets. If anybody is interested please let me know! Let's do this and make this thing a role-play nobody will forget. I won't give up on this, or let the role-play become dry. As GM I'll throw all sorts of curve balls our way to make sure the story keeps progressing/changing. There may not be many Star Wars fans here (or maybe, prove me wrong?) but I hope we can get all of them here to enjoy this journey. Again, this will take loads of time so please don't jump on the bandwagon and cancel because of the long wait; I will keep you guys posted as often as I can, even for minor updates. I never want to leave anyone hanging. I cannot wait to hear from you guys, honestly if you have any questions do not be afraid to ask, I will answer every question as best as I can. I'm also open to any and all suggestions. [color=fff200]May the Force Be with You[/color]