[center][img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/91ab/th/pre/i/2013/096/f/e/kai_ookami_by_mattbob3194-d60n2aj.png[/img] [h2]Ninko Hazuchi[/h2] Konoha border[/center] [hr] Ninko was taken a bit by surprise at how quickly the Red Sage put his foot close to Ninko's neck and he had to not react by getting physical, fighting would be useless. He watched Arima turn to look at the other shinobi and Ninko got a bad feeling in his gut that the Red Sage was contemplating whether or not to just kill him then and there. Arima gave him three seconds to explain himself and he would need to be quick about and make it believable. "My name is Ninko Hazuchi, I was a shinobi of the confederation and ever since I was young I wanted to be a great ninja, one who the people could look up to for admiration and inspiration. I eventually realized that I could never live that dream being part of the corruption that has infested the confederation, I could never see myself as a great shinobi under a lie and that's why I left the confederation. I had hopes that joining the Red Sages would allow me to one day live that dream if the confederation was defeated. I don't care if you kill me here and now, I just wanted to see if I could still see my dreams become a reality by joining your cause" he said in a nervous voice, but it was full of emotion and passion. Ninko hoped that it would be enough to convince the shinobi to let him tag along and join the Red Sages. From what he had heard it seemed like the Red Sages could use as much help as they could get. This would be his one chance at getting inside the rebel group and he had to take it. This was dangerous and he was risking his life, but Ninko was sure that this would pay off if he did everything right and didn't arouse too much suspicion if he joined the Red Sages. [@Savato]