[@Letter Bee] Siegfried would have given you a solemn nod before he dissipated, leaving you to your vows and duties. Back inside the compound, you would wander a bit, and find Sarah in the room with the Pit. It is a deep, dark hole, a stone-laid circle with nearly smooth walls, traced in archaic markings that now glow a faint blue, down into the black depths. The Machine sits across the room from ant entrances, a strange, almost haphazard conglomeration of different parts. Grayish metal, bulbous, with thick cords, and strange coloration throughout. It takes up nearly half that side of the large chamber, part of it extending up the wall, onto the ceiling, and over the pit. The moon gate would still be open those some few stories above you. "The pit and the pendulum," you would hear Sarah muse to herself, leaning against the wall of the circular chamber, it doesn't seem like she's notice you yet. Her face is set gravely, as if she's deep in serious thought, her arms crossed under her chest. Her fiery red hair is wavy, with s slight curl at some ends, and goes down a bit past her shoulders. It seems roughly brushed and parted down the middle. Her grayish green eyes are lost in thought, a brooding storm seems to broil slowly behind them. She is pale, but clean, with very faint freckles, and a sharp jaw. She looks a year or two older than you, and perhaps a bit taller. She's dressed in a low-necked pale green t shirt, some gray pants, and what looks like a pair of guards dark brown work shoes. One of the guards taser batons, likely the one she first grabbed, sits collapsed and deactivated in a holster.