WIP NS Faction Name: The Red Haven Coalition Faction Type: Martian colony faction Prime Location: Mars Leadership: Prime Minister Adrian Conway: The elected leader of the Red Haven parliament, and leader of the Red Haven Coalition as a whole. Under the last 20 years of his repeated elected administrations the RHC has undergone a industrial drive comparable to the Soviet-era five-year plans. While hardly a popular or charming leader, even his political enemies don’t question his achievements in turning the dream of a coalition of independent habitats into a serious rising industrial power on Mars, and though people grumble at discomfort they support his work. However the recent political tides of the solar system and discoveries at home for exotic starship materials may be the ultimate test of his administration and whether Red Haven can remain independent of Earth and the Megacorporations. Magistrate Melanie Winters: Chief administrator of Ferrum, and de facto chief economist of the Red Haven Parliament. Magistrate Norton Meierson: Governor of Oasis Station. High Consul Mariette Valar: Head of the Sisters of Mars techno-religious order, and holder of a de facto seat of on the RHC parliament as speaker for the minor guilds. Formerly a corporate biotechnician, she quickly rose in the ranks of the Sisterhood as a beginning curing mining habitats from an outbreak of rustlung caused by underground toxins, selflessly saving thousands of lives before proceeding to expose the corporate prospectors that illegally broke open the seams to the toxins they unleashed and condemned them to agony for the rest of their lives. While her days of traveling and spreading of the word of Mars are over, she finds comfort in providing more personal consultation to the Red Haven Parliament, whom she is finding to be in continuous need of shepherding. Tactics/Wander: A powerful asset unknown to the faction’s leadership is the pairing of a Martian spaceport mechanic and high-spec AI named Tactics. It is unknown how James Wander and Tactics came together, having woken up in an alleyway with the AI embedded in a series of unique cerebrospinal implants and a cybernetic replacement for Wander’s right eye, Or why Tactics is a high-level military AI yet possesses no restraints or loyalty programming or hint of who made it to begin with. With no choice but to work together, Tactics/Wander have formed the Dirty Deeds company as a brigade of the RHC defense pact that protects and acts on behalf of the RHC colonies. While capable of superhuman feats, neither of them can make much use of them lest they catch unwanted attention. Such as AI scientists that would be interested in finding out how a high-grade AI can fit in a human brain, regardless of what the human host would think in the matter. Assets: [hider=Ships][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/titanfall/images/2/2f/Birmingham_render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/620?cb=20140507123900[/img] Pioneer-class Frigate The majority of the RHC’s space force and merchant marine is composed of Pioneers, a older but still widely used model of ship that can be outfitted for exploration, planetary survey, cargo hauling, or even combat thanks to it’s modular undercarriage. Pioneers are often named for famous explorers and surveyors. [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/deadspace/images/6/68/DS3_Terra_Nova.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/480?cb=20130218135254[/img] RHS [/hider] Military Forces The RHC does not have a proper standing army, due to most of its manpower being devoted to day to day survival and industry. Militia forces are kept and maintained on an as-needed basis, with some colonies able to afford a semi-standing rotating militia garrison while others must rely upon it’s citizen-soldiers to mobilize when needed. Quality and training of it’s defenders is highly variable as a result, but one common standard is the usage and deployment of Picton’s for heavy mechanized defense. [hider=Equipment] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/aldnoahzero/images/9/95/KG-6_Sleipnir.png/revision/latest?cb=20140729000143[/img] HUM Picton-09 The Picton is the primary warmachine available to the Red Haven Coalition. Formerly a utility mech design from Earth, the RHC have taken the rugged and reliable design further with better components and servomechanisms while still keeping a relatively low price tag per unit and adapted to the Martian dust and gravity conditions. While normally used in construction, mining, and industrial activities alike, it’s also been adapted for combat as well with a range of handheld weapons and heavy weapons mounted by removing an arm. While certainly a generation behind modern military mechs, they can be produced and fielded en masse by even the RHC’s limited resources and there is no shortage of pilots and able volunteers in any colony station. [/hider] -stations, bases, facilities. Red Haven The capital of the RHC, center of both the Bifrost spaceport and the majority of the high-tech infrastructure of the RHC including it’s only biotech hospital and university of technical studies. The Union Hall functions as the political capital of the RHC, while it’s limited industries form the basis of it’s darker R&D elements. It is also the home of the techno-religious faith of the Sisters of Mars, disciples of agriculture, medicine, and war alike. While their archaic practices are odd, particularly their core duality of mercy and malice, none dispute their skill in their fields and the red-cloaked sisters are often welcome where they travel. Somewhat helped by their private militia of well-maintained Pictons they often use in their wandering. Oasis Station Formerly the Oasis project under the now-dissolved Mayfare corporation, Oasis station exists at the center of several “Former” terraforming stations that enable green plantlife and rainfall on a patch of Mars, although most of them have scavenged to more practically environmentally control sealed agriculture domes. The colony is thus a center of agriculture and food production for the RHC, as well as one of the most populous. It is the center of the Populist party, and a sizable Sisters of Mars chapter also exists to support the growing population. Ferrum Station A industrial colony built around a series of geo-industrial plants, utilizing energy and heat from geothermal vents to fuel large industrial complexes and Industrial-scale 3D printers fueled by rich mines in it’s area. Living conditions are harsh and austere, yet tens of thousands living in the worker barracks and boom towns call Ferrum home out of pride and belief they are giving a better future to their offspring. It is the center of the Industrialist party, with a significant secondary representation of the Militarists. Due to it’s importance, the Ferrum militia is one of the largest and best equipped among the RHC militias, highly stocked in mechs and artillery ontop of standing garrison troops. Dogsville Mining site DDB-928 “Dogsville” was a corporate mining town, where the miners were left stranded as their various patron companies pulled out after repeated disasters and setbacks. Abandoned, the beginnings of the Red Haven movement were founded here as the miners strove to dig in and endure, inspiring other backwater colonies and mining sites to step up as well. Miners picked up their tools, not for corporate profit but for themselves. A simple act sparked a greater revolution, and turned a mining habitat into a boom town. alongside several other sites that became full-fledged outposts unto themselves. Recently the actual causes of the initial disasters were found: Dogsville and other mining sites are sitting ontop of dangerous exotic materials such as hyperium, hexaferrium, and quadrite. Yet while dangerous, they are vital components for cutting-edge technology and starships just beginning to be developed, and every survey and prospecting probe deployed only hints at even greater reserves beneath the surface than before. The worker’s paradise is now at threat because of it’s own success. -Special projects. Include any working prototypes and where they are located and whether or not anyone knows about it. (probably not) The Bifrost Starport and Orbital Elevator Complex An ambitious project by the now-defunct Aesir Corporation to build a spaceport of unprecedented scale along with a six-strand industrial ultrabulk-scale space elevator platform in low orbit to facilitate immense industrial growth and exploitation of the Martian region. The Corporation went bankrupt as clean hyperfusion their designs depended upon failed to become practical, and the spaceport likewise was left unfinished and only able to handle a bare minimum of domestic traffic. One of the first projects of the Coalition was to pool resources and manpower in a hail mary effort to bring trade back to the region. After ten years of brutal labor, risky loans, and five battles to keep pirates and marauders away from the elevator, they miraculously succeeded in restoring two of the six planned strands and establishing regular heavy lift trade, making it a center of economic activity in a backwater region of Mars. Just recently however in light of the Jupiter Referendum, the starport has taken new importance as Elysium is descending into internal turmoil and corporate number-crunchers realize the orbital elevator is located on the perfect spot and combination of resources to build a large-scale shipyard independent of the UTA yards on Luna. The RHC have also just come to the same conclusion. Project: ROUND TABLE With mechs forming the core of the Red Haven Militias, the RHC have begun a crash R&D program to develop home-grown upgrades and new models to secure their independence. Efforts to rig railguns and laser cannons onto mechs, enhance current designs, and improve support systems have also been folded into the Round Table. Reportedly a squadron of next-gen mechs are reaching field prototype phase along with new equipment for Pictons in the fields of optical stealth, battlefield drones, armoring, and weapons. But without major gains in high-tech industry to manufacture them, they may end up solely as a secret special forces group. If the rumors are true that they are ready that is. Projects/Active Missions: The Fourth Industrialization Plan: The Red Haven Coalition has declared and is executing a fourth wave of industrialization activity, specifically in getting their commercial industries in line with their heavy industry to give their citizens a better standard of living after decades of hard labor, but recent political threats may force these new factories to be turned to other purposes. Project Prometheus: With the discovery of starship resources under their feet and the realization their starport is a viable site to become a fully-fledged shipyard, the RHC is initiating a crash program to develop domestic fusion reactor manufacturing and import shipbuilding experience to build shipyards as a homegrown industry instead of as a corporate subsidiary. Progress has been slow, suspected to be UTA and Skyguard interference in recruitment of personnel and importing of industrial parts. Jupiter Referendum Signatory?: No, not applicable Mission/Orthodoxy/Principles: Independence at any cost from the corporation's, Earth, and any other outside power. The Red Haven Coalition will not accept subordinate status to any foreign power, and will defend it’s position by force if necessary. The word of corporations and the United Earth Authority holds no weight. If outsiders want to deal, they MUST back up with hard action, resources, and payment or not even bother trying. Corporations may be permitted limited operations within the RHC, if they prove they are not unjustly exploitative, however they are not granted unlimited resource or land rights and must operate under licence that may be revoked. Workers Unions are NOT optional. It is not enough to survive, the people the RHC deserve the right to live and develop as a culture. Improvements in standards of living and domestic culture are a priority of the current Populist majority, although recent events are forcing them to share power with militarist factions in the RHC who prioritize national defense.