[center][h1][b][color=#ed0000]Bryant O’Connor[/color][/b][/h1] Interactions with: Benji-[@Raxacoricofallapatorius], Natalya-[@HushedWhisper] Location: The Mighty Bean [hr] [hr] Connor looked down at Benji with a look on his face that very blatantly asked ‘Seriously?’ He rolled his eyes when Benji added things to his order, without the patience to even truly wait for an answer. He took the pastry offered by barista, and gave her one of his classic charming smiles, placing money on the table, leaving her a large tip. Biting thoughtfully into the donut, he considered his options for a few minutes. He [i]could[/i] just let Benji burn, as punishment for never paying him the money he owed back. But, that wouldn’t be very nice, and unfortunately, Connor was a nice guy, deep down. Very deep down. Grumbling, he reached back into his wallet and pulled out four crisp fifty dollar bills, holding them out to Benji. After the other boy took them, Connor rubbed his hands together. “[color=#ed0000]Alright, broski. Here’s what you’re gonna do, alright,[/color]” he leaned in, whispering to Benji as he thought about what he knew Natalya liked to do and what her hobbies were. It took the man a few minutes of silent, careful contemplation, before he gave a nod. “[color=#ed0000]Alright. You’re gonna take the money, go down to the mall. You’re getting her two gifts: one gag gift, because that’s the kind of person you are and she’ll expect it 100%, and then one real gift. For the gag gift, you’re gonna get her something to clean with. Like… one of those Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. For the real gift, go simple, she likes coffee so get her a fancy pants French blend, something really expensive and exotic sounding. After that, head to the anime store and get me something to watch with Eva. Then, you’re going to go to the front desk and grab me two packs of the gum I like. I’m almost out. After that, you’re gonna come back here and I want exact change, I’m not a bank.[/color]” He patted Benji on the shoulder, and took another bite from his donut, chewing it thoroughly before he spoke again. “[color=#ed0000]Look, and you don’t have to wow her, alright? You’re not her boyfriend, you’re not her best friend, and I’ve known her for ages. So we kinda went all out, you don’t have to make it [i]too[/i] amazing. Now, go my Young Padawan. I’ll cover for you at the table, alright? Make sure you’re at the party, you’re not gonna wanna miss it, trust me.[/color]” With that, he gave Benji another pat on the shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly, and retreated back to the table where his other friends were. As he sat down, he licked the donut glaze off of his fingers and looked down at his watch. “[color=#ed0000]Hey, Benji’s gonna go pick some stuff up for me from the store, alright? Supplies for your party, I really blanked this time and kinda messed up… My bad, Natty, don’t blame him. Anyway, where were we? Right. Who’s gonna be there? Everyone, right? That’s important for the [i]extravagance[/i] and epic power of my gift.[/color]” Connor explained, smiling at Natty as he rolled his eyes.[/center]