[@Karos] The captain grimaced, his eyes hardening as he stared at the walking stealth suit. [color=#ff754d]"[i]Donc, vous voulez votre argent, non?[/i] {So, you want your money, huh?} A mercenary. I'll throw ya' 20,000 caps. Up front, from the king's treasury himself."[/color] The captain seemed almost fully aware that he was sending Sebastian Monroe out to die - he hardly expected him to return with her body. [color=#ff754d]"The woman's of.. mild importance. The head of a blossoming revolution that we've been warring with for a few decades. [i]Il est sans importance pour vous,[/i] but you'll be doing a substantial favor for The Order. It'll be as simple as stabbing her in the back using that stealth suit of yours."[/color] The captain sighed, before beginning speaking with his colleagues again; discussing the problem of The Revolution as if he hadn't just opted to pay the mercenary in front of him twenty thousand caps to kill the head of the revolution - he knew that while without Napoleon V, the revolution would topple just as quickly as it had begun with no proper, charismatic leader to take her place; but then again, The Order had hired thirty seven mercenaries across the entire nation over the past sixty years to kill the leader of the revolution; ranging from Gunners to Talon Company, everyone had their fair share of killing the leader of the group; and they had all failed. [color=#ff754d]"If you're looking to do that half now, half later shit, than no dice."[/color] The captain said, taking a thick puff of his cigar. [color=#ff754d]"It shows me you aren't professional; you can't trust your own work. I'll give you all or nothing here."[/color]