[h1][color=firebrick]Gerald Pithers[/color][/h1] [hr] Finally, all pieces present and accounted for. Gerald, now detached from Saaria and on the ground beside her, went ahead to reassembling himself. "AH..." He said, "ALL ME BONES, BACK WOT IN THEH APPROPRIATE PLACES. WELL ABOUT TO BE, REALLY." He popped his left leg back into place, and grabbed his right. "ONE OITEM OFF THE LIST THEN." He said, popping his other leg back into place. He stood up, nudging Saaria's shoulder. "MUCH OBLOIGED RICHARD, ROIGHT KOINDNESS YEH DONE FEH ME ON THIS NOIGHT A HORRAH." She didn't respond. She just stared ahead at the dilapidated farmhouse. "LOOKS ROIGHT SINISTAH, THAT." Gerald said, scanning the building. "AN' THAT LOOK UPON YE GOB TELLS ME YEH WANNA, EHHH... HAVE US A MORE IN-DEPTH EXAMINATION?" He began walking forward, towards the farmhouse. "OI WILL TAKE UPON MESELF THE POINT POSITION THEN!" He said, strutting. "YEH DONE ME WELL ENOUGH RICHARD, ALLOW ME TEH LEAD US INTAH THIS NEXT UNFAVORABLE PREDICAMENT." Oddly calm he seemed, given the circumstances. [@luclovers] [hr] [h1][color=skyblue]Coastal Vigils[/color][/h1] [hr] Airships were no exemption from the Vigils' reach. The air above the Continent was no safer than its grounds. They watched the vessel fall. And as it did, they branched out, combing the widespread area for survivors. And one was found. A Vigil stood above the incapacitated Cassandra, staring at her for but a moment before a tendril crept downward, and laid the accursed mark upon her chest, beneath and beside her neck. The tendril retracted, the Vigil stared for a moment more, and then it lumbered away. [@Civetta]