[color=ed1c24][h2] Saaria Morgossa and Gerald Pithers [/h2] [/color] As Gerald walked forward, the fog seemed to tilt in his vision, revealing a strange looking building where the farmhouse stood moments ago. It was almost non Euclidian in that it had such a strange structure it looked as if it shouldn't physically stand. The bottom of it was exceptionally small, with just enough space for a 5x5 room to fit inside. It then got wider as it rose into the sky, shaping like a cut diamond. It was the color of charcoal, with strange violet lines etched into it. A violet light pulsed at the top every few seconds, sending out waves of telepathic energy which appeared to be pure force moving across the sky. But all Saaria saw was a farmhouse. "OHHH..." Gerald commented, turning his head upwards. "THAS' NOT THE LOCATION WOT WAS INTENDED..." He turned towards Saaria and said to her, "YEH SEE THIS, RICHARD?" Saaria looked at Gerald with a confused face, contorting the dark tattoos on her face. A pulse went out from the tower, and Saaria's eyes pulsed violet. For a brief moment, she felt a sickening urge to run. And then she stepped forward, and the veil lifted, revealing the structure in its pure form. She took a few more steps forward. She felt a great evil within. "Let's go, Gerald." She said without looking back, walking towards the strange structure, which seemed to have no doors or windows. "OI..." Gerald said, following behind. "THIS ALL GETS MORE AN' MORE MIXED UP ER'RY OTHAH MINUTE. OI MEAN..." He motioned towards the tower, arms outstretched, "HOW AH WE EVEN TO ENTAH THIS HOVEL A UNSPEAKABLE, EHHH... SINISTAH OCCURRENCES? OI SEE NOT AN ENTRANCE IN SOIGHT, RICHARD." "I suppose we will see." She said, as another pulse waved through the air. As they approached the structure, it became clear that it was meant to be entered by way of air. Saaria looked at Gerald. "Well there's no doors, so I guess we go in from the top." She guessed. "AH..." Gerald replied, sighing. "ROIGHT DEN. UP AN' AWAY." Saaria grabbed onto Gerald, and slowly ascended into the sky, shaking a bit every time a pulse went out. Her eyes flashed violet every time it happened, and as she got closer to the top, she could feel something trying to enter her mind. She pushed against it until they got to the top, and quickly landed on the edge of the structure. It was flat on the top, with the pulsing light floating in the centre. There were periodic pulses, and every time one happened, vents opened in the flat surface, allowing entry if they were quick. If they weren't, they may get caught in the ventilation vents. It was a gamble. Gerald approached one of the vents, opening and closing. "FEH..." He said, "SEEMS TRAVERSABLE. BUT WE SHOULD 'EAD IN ONE AT A TOIME. OI SHALL FORGE AHEAD RICHARD, YEH LOOKIN' TEH BE IN AN UNEASY STATE A YEHSELF. RELAX A WEE BIT. OL' GERALD CAN FILL THE ROLE OF A PROPER SCOUT WHEN THE NEED AROISES!" And with that, he turned, waited for an opening, and then jumped into the vent as it rose up, with reckless abandon and a hearty "HUGGANAH!". He fell forward, feeling hot air pulse out onto his bones as he dropped further into the building. He landed with a thud inside a room. Looking about, it appeared to be a dimly lit engine room of sorts, with archaic cranks pumping hot air out of the place and into the air outside. Saaria focused on the vent as it opened the next time, and held it open using the heat from the air. The vent shook and broke, stopping in place. She squeezed through, and dropped onto the floor next to Gerald. One last pulse rang through her, different than the last time. It seemed to be almost a maintenance command. She felt no more pulses afterward, and her eyes faded to normal once more. Moments later, after Saaria had looked around a bit, a strange shuffling sound came from the other side of the room. Saaria grabbed Gerald and pulled him back into the shadows behind a pump. An angry looking dark skinned man wearing raggedy clothes shuffled into view. His eyes were violet, and he moved lethargically, as of strings alone were holding him up. He moved to fix the vent Saaria had broken, mumbling nonsense under his breath. Saaria motioned for Gerald to be quiet and moved down the room to where the man came from. There was a small hidden staircase in the corner which they quickly descended, finding themselves in a wide room with portraits lining the walls. A family was in the pictures, but whenever Saaria or Gerald tried to look at their faces, they became extremely blurry, and no features could be made out. The room was empty, and they quickly snuck down another set of stairs. They were now in a room that looked like a prison. Cells lined the walls, many filled with unmoving hunched over features. "Hello?" A voice called from behind one of the bars. Saaria moved closer slowly. "Who's there?" Saaria asked. A small face appeared in between the bars. It was Nerissa, the girl from the town. "OI, FAIR SNOW HAIRED MAIDEN!" Gerald exclaimed. Saaria quickly shushed him, looking around to make sure nobody had heard. All the figures were still. Saaria held the bars on Nerissa's cage, melting them with pure heat. She stepped out gingerly. "Thank you so much..." She began. "My brother, he's here! They took me to his cell, it's down further!" She explained. Saaria and Gerald looked at eachother uneasily. It could only get worse.