[Hider=character sheet] Name: Emily Greene Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=appearance][img]https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrinknp_200_200/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAJAAAAAJGM5YTI5YmEwLWE0YTktNDcxYS04YmJjLWNhMGY1MDNiMjhmNQ.jpg[/img][/hider] Age: 20 IGN: Laurel Greenethorne Race: Human Avatar: [hider=Avatar][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/79/f6/51/79f651801412b4508be925fda2bcc851.jpg[/img][/hider] Equipment: [hider=equipment] Cursed blessing (Cursed)-An outfit. A black leotard, with golden metal decorations from knee to chest over pantyhose. Includes arm and leg decorations. This outfit takes both clothing spots top and bottom. It cannot be removed, but can be customized (only magical, no physical changes) it does have the positive effect of doubling both physical and magical defense, however the cost is a 50% increased susceptibility to all negative status effects. (Poison, sleep, pretrification, slow, etc.) The Accursed Mentor (cursed)- A simple black headband. Takes the place of an accessory. A teacher had a student that hated how long it took to learn new things, after the student complained one time to many, the teacher made this lovely piece of work. It cannot be removed, but can be customized. (Only magical, no physical changes) it basically doubles the amount of experience earned for skills, at the cost of cutting HP, MP, and Stamina by 25% A lady's heels- A pair of fashionable heels! Can be customized both physical and magical. Black scarf- A fashion item that's all the rage these days. Get yours while supplies last ladies! Can be customized both physical and magical. Black Scythe- A simple blavk war scythe. Can be customized both physically and magically. [Hider=Black Scythe][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/sonicfanon/images/9/9b/Scythe_weapon.png/revision/latest?cb=20110607212615[/img][/hider] Four equipment slots available: Head, gloves, and two accessories.[/hider] Level: 67 Skills: [hider=skills] Weapon proficiency(General) Pole arms- weapon proficiency in pole arms (long handled, bladed weapons such as glaives, Pan Dao, Scythes, etc.) rank B. Magic Mastery (General)- Allows player to cast magic. Rank B. Weapon Proficiency (Specific) Scythe- Weapon proficiency in scythes Rank C Headhunter-Finishing scythe move, costs entirety of MP and Stamina, instant kills enemies with decapitation if they are 15% or less health, common chance of failure doing critical damage instead. Rank C. (Rank B cost 75% MP and Stamina, and 20% or less health. Common chance of failure doing critical damage instead.) Sweep- AoE attack deals damage to all enemies within the swing's reach. Reach of attack is equal to length of weapon used. Rank C. Pyromancy- Allows player to cast magic using fire as the base element. Rank D. Blacksmithing- Allows user to create weapons, armor, customize items, etc. Rank C Cryomancy-Allows user to cast spells using ice as the base element Rank F. Enchanter-Allows character to imbue magical properties, effects, statuses, etc. To equipment. Requires components relating to effect desired, plus some MP (depends on effect and strength, plus Rank in skill) (Hidden skill, prerequisites Magic (general) Rank A, blacksmithing rank C) (This is how I learn about hidden skills IG) Currently unranked, (will gain Rank F by second or third post in IC)[/hider] Personality: Emily is a somewhat shy, and socially awkward girl. However she's cheerful, and friendly if given a chance to get to know you. She's fairly laid back, except in high stress situations, at which point she can ramble a bit, stumble, have difficulty meeting anyone's eye's. She also has low self esteem issues. Not horrendous, but they're present. While stuck in the game world, she comes out of her shell a little more, isn't as shy. However, she will have bouts of depression and anger due to her situation. For the most part though, she's kept her head high and her upper lip stiff, this situation has given her a chance to prove herself, to herself. History: Emily has been playing RPGs for several years now, however she wasn't ever really interested in playing a MMORPG, but her brother was off at college, she was bored, and so she decided to check out an MMORPG. Googling up MMORPGs, brought a list up, clicking on one of the links brought her to a home screen talking about a massive patch that was going to be added to the game, offering more skills, and a whole new land to explore. Excited about finding it, she clicked register, which populated both the register screen and the log in screens. The username and password were filled out, saved to the computer's memory. 'What luck' she though...erroneously. She played for several days prior to the patch going live, unsure if she wanted to make her own account. She decided that she'd check it out after the patch and if it was any good, then she'd make her own account. Excited she finished for the day, not returning until the day the patch came out. She went to play, pulling up the site, and loading it up, but then she got the shock of her life. She was stuck in the game. Thus started her adventures in figuring out what the hell happened, and how to get home. In the meantime, She'll work on collecting some of these skills, because that's what got her into this mess, and she might as well do it. Pets?: Lady Lenore, type: "Witch's Familiar" Sub-type: Black Cat. (The cat in the Avatar picture.) Lady Lenore increases magical power by 50% within any magical subset skill so long as skill level is greater than C-ranked. (If Character reaches EX rank in specific magic branch it is increased to 75%) raises magic defense, and while out can absorb three low level magic attacks per day. (So basically a simple magic attack. And it's per day, not per battle.) Can harvest magic component cat's hair from the familiar. Has no attack capabilities. [/hider]