Oh man I'm in love will fall out, cosplayed vault boy for opening night release and still binge play it. Tell me if there’s something wrong. Character Sheet: Name: Eden (last name unknown) Age: 22 Appearance: Shes a built woman, standing in at about 5,7 with tanned skin she seems to fit right in called a beauty of the commonwealth. A wild woman appearance her hair is resting at her waist, thick brown curly hair naturally highlighted in hazel thats almost always matted, with a pair of piercing green eyes. Faction: Ex rail road member S:15 P:10 E:8 C:3 I:6 A:8 L:6 Weapons/Items: A long slender blade with strange markings that she can't identify. Holds a rune in the core for poisons but sticks with irradiated blood. A sniper rifle, knife, a steam pack, leather armour and a book that looks to be read far too many times. Skills: big leagues, animal friend, sneak, aqua-girl Bio: Not the most social person in the world she used to call the rail road her home. Not caring about their mission but was more than willing to help them clean up so long as she was still accepted. An unusual knack for calming down the commenwealth's wildlife she was a welcome companion on the road. Yet those she would call companions began to use her skills to get to assassinations. Usually offering cover she still felt uneasy about the chance in their work load for her. Thinking it could not get much worse she left them the moment she killed a sleeping man in his bed, the idea of murdering someone in their sleep never sitting well with her. Now she wonders the commonwealth, a radstag her new companion, dealing with many sleepless nights and being pushed so far that shes thought about joining diamond city while scavenging. The only thing keeping her alive being that she's stayed away from most big cities and the humans and ghouls that come with them.