Name: Dave Brinton Gender: Male Appearance: N/A Age: 24 IGN: Lorand Race: Human Level: 100 Avatar: [hider=Your tank, ladies and gentleman.][img][/img][/hider] Equipment: [list] [*]Head: Helm of the Dracolich [*]Armor: Armor of the Dracolich [*]Arms: Gauntlets of the Dracolich [*]Leggings: Greaves of the Dracolich [*]Boots: Boots of the Dracolich [*]Acc1: Ring of the Thorn Knight: Thorn Barrier - Puts up a barrier around the wearer that does not stop attacks, but instead reflects damage from 2%-5% back at the attacker. [*]Acc2: Bergelmir's Necklace: Vitality of the Titan - Increses the wearer's max HP by 15% and gives a slight regeneration effect on self. [*]Acc3: EMPTY. THERE'S NOTHING HERE WHY ARE YOU STARING?! IS IT BECAUSE OF MY CAPS LOCK!? [*]Weapon: Requiem, Legacy of the Damned [list][*] Vitality Drain - Whenever Requiem hits an enemy, a DoT affect is applied that drains a slight amount of HP and stats from the creature that was hit. While the DoT can deal damage to as many creatures as are hit with the weapon, Lorand only recieves regen and stats from the strongest creature hit. [*] Death's Hand - An innate ability of Requiem, it is a weapon specific ability that is able to deal a rather large damage nuke in the form of a blue magical blast that comes from above, executing any enemy below 1% HP. Death's Hand also cripples the enemy so that they deal 5% less damage and attack slower for 2 minutes. Death's hand has a cooldown of 15 minutes. (Mostly used for bosses). [/list] [*] Shield: Warden, Keeper of Echoes [list] [*] Echo - Allows the user to block and partially absorb magical spells, and fire back a weaker version of that spell. This effect does have a cooldown and cannot be used constantly. [/list] [/list] Skills: [list] [*]Provoke SS: Draws the aggression of a single enemy and reduces damage from that enemy by 15%. [*]Taunt SS: Draws the aggression of all enemies in the area, and enrages them to the point of reducing their defense by 10%. [*]Longsword Mastery EX: Passive: Increases proficiency when using a Longsword. Gives a boost to attack and makes sword combos easier. [*]Shield Mastery EX: Increases proficiency with a shield. Gives a boost to defense and health. [*] Deathknight's Resurgence EX: When HP reaches 0, Deathknight's Resurgence activates, bringing the user back to life for a short amount of time. If they can kill an enemy with Soul Reave In the time period, then they can fully resurrect with about a fifth of their max HP. This ability does have a rather long cooldown. [*] Soul Reave SS: An attack that, when used to kill an enemy, steals their soul and restores a small portion of the user's maximum HP. The healing does not apply when Soul Reave is used to ressurect. [*] Vampiric Mist S: Attack with a dark crimson mist centered around the user that deals dark damage to enemies, draining a small portion of it to restore the user's health. [*] Deathknight's Perserverence EX: Passive: Gives the user increased resistance toward poisons, diseases, status effects, and gives an immunity to instant death spells. Active: Allows the user to cleanse one poison, status effect, or disease. [*] Shield Bash A: Does slightly less damage than a normal attack, but allows the user to stun an enemy for an amount of time. This ability also interrupts powerful boss attacks that are being channeled. [*] Cooking A: Makes the user more proficient in cooking skills. Is actually a master chef and can make good food out of even the worst ingredients. [/list] Personality: Despite his character's rather serious appearence, Dave is a very laid-back person, and applies this same laid-back attitude to everything except work. He doesn't worry very much about the small things, but instead puts his attention to the things that actually matter in his mind. In game, he acts essentially the same as in real life, not changing his personality at all whether he is online or offline. While being laid back, he can also get irritated easily at some things, [i][b][u]especially[/i][/b][/u] the bullshit that Amelia puts him through. Even so, he is a nice person if you stay on his good side. Somewhat. History: Dave is just your average guy from Concord, New Hampshire. He grew up in a standard middle class family, and began to take a liking to his science classes throughout middle school and high school. He also took a liking to video games during this time, particularly MMOs and RPGs, as a way to spend his time when he was not doing homework or other activities. Some of his favorites were World of Warcraft and, later, Final Fantasy XIV. After high school, he attended MIT for his chemistry degree. During this time, he was doing so much work that he ended up not being able to play games nearly as much, but still talked to the friends he knew online, where he went by the tag 'Lorand'. He graduated and went to work at a company that he had interned at while he was at school. Finding himself with a lot of free time, he decided that he would get back into gaming as a way to pass the time, and then managed to discover the teaser trailers for Untold Eternity. He was very impressed with the direction that the game was going, and decided he would sign up for the beta test to see if it would live up to his standards. He ended up loving the game, and pre-ordered the game as soon as he could. He managed to get a good number of his freinds hyped for the game, including his longtime "friend" Amelia. He managed to out-pace even some of the most hardcore players when he was leveling his character. Before the expansion came out, he managed to clear all of the end-game content as well. When he heard that the new patch that was coming out, he started contacting all of his freinds in anticipation for the new content. Pets: Rummahl: Rummahl is a [url=]warg[/url] that is usable as a mount. He is stockily built and has black fur, along with red eyes that imply how vicious he is. Rummahl is actually proficient with battle axes, and is able to weild them and fight with them. Other: Armor Notes: [list] [*]The Dracolich armor set is primarily used by Deathknights, and has a stat spread that heavily favors health and defense, with some attack mixed in as well. It is extremely high quality gear that is dropped by Verath, a high-level draconic raid boss. [/list] Weapon notes: [list] [*]Sword: Requiem, Legacy of the Damned is also dropped by Verath, but has been heavily crafted and improved to actually become the weapon that it is. In the game's lore, the weapon is said to represent the sins and wrongdoings of past beings. [*]Shield: Warden, Keeper of Echoes, is a highly sought-after end game shield, being popular for it's extra effects. It isn't overly rare due to it's popularity. It drops from the end-game boss titled "The Eternal Warden", who is a giant animated suit of armor. The shield itself was said to have belonged to a famous mage hunter, whose name is unknown. [/list] Accessory Notes: [list] [*]Ring of the Thorn Knight: An extremely rare drop from a notoriously hard solo dungeon called the Castle of Iron Thorns. In the lore, the ring was said to be the most prized possession of the Castle's owner. [*]Bergelmir's Necklace: A semi-rare drop from the boss Bergelmir, who is an extremely powerful titan boss. [/list]