[i]So I'm just gonna post any short stories that I write in here. If you want to comment on any of the stories(I do appreciate criticism and advice), please do it in a private message. I want to keep the thread free of clutter. I'll keep the stories separated by posts. Now lets get this started:[/i] [h2][u][b][center=]The Journey There[/center][/b][/u][/h2] The Journey There ~December 2th, 2016 - Journal Entry#1~ Claire says I should keep our journey documented. You know, show it to the kids when we get older. A waste of time if you ask me but whatever. On top of the journal, she also gave me a revolver. A revolver! God I love this women. I just hope I don’t have to use it. Maybe I should give her a rose as a present, she loves roses. ~December 20th, 2016 - Journal Entry#20~ Oh god what have I done.... ~January 3rd, 2016 - Journal Entry #36~ I lost half of my journal when I jumped into that lake, along with some good supplies. Damn bandits were right on my ass, should have stuck to the ridge and went around the damn water; would have saved time and supplies. Guess I wasn’t thinking straight. At least I the lost bandits, for now anyway. I managed to hold onto my lighter too, takes a little work for the flint to work though. *4 missing pages* ~January 12th, 2016 - Journal Entry#40~ It’s been some time since I’ve actually been able to sit down and write in this damn thing. Never following the scent of barbecue again. Not unless I’m in the Safe Zone, if that place actually exist anymore. Glad to be out of that cell though. Stupid bandits, they actually thought a stick cage would hold me. Broke out while they were sleeping, killed two before I left. Nine more to go. They’ll probably kill me on spot if they catch me again. Can’t let that happen. ~January 14th, 2016 - Journal Entry#41~ Nearly there now, maybe three days by foot. God I wish I had a car, hell even a horse would do. Running low on food and water; water is the priority, I don’t think I can make it another day without a drink. My mouth is dry, real dry. Feel like I just tried to swallow a mouthful of sand. Just a drop of water, that’s all I want. ~January 15th, 2016 - Journal Entry#42~ I found water today, thankfully. A small creek in the forest hidden by some rocks. I had just enough time to fill up two water bottles, before I heard the bandits coming. They were close, too. Definitely would have caught me if had stayed a second longer. Damn cannibals, the pickings must be slim if they’re willing to go this far just to catch me. ~January 16th, 2016 - Journal Entry#43~ The bandits found my camp last night. I’m glad nature was calling, else they would have found me too. Had to spend the night hiding in a tree before they decided to leave and look somewhere else. I thought I’d lost this journal, but no matter what it seems to keep coming back to me. They took the rest of my supplies, and left this behind. Not before ripping out the pages about their camp. I had it all mapped out, even how to avoid the fucking hellhole. I’ve tried drawing it from memory, but I can’t fucking remember. Screw it, it doesn’t matter, I’m nearly to the Safe Zone anyway; once I get there I won’t even have to worry about the bandits. I can already see the high walls. Stone walls, big metal doors, and I bet they have fresh meals. I’ve heard rumors that it’s as big as the Great Wall of China. It’ll keep me safe from this hellish world. ~January 17th, 2016 - Journal Entry#44~ Gone! The Safe Zone, all gone. Every house abandoned, emptied of everything, nothing was left behind. Even the wall was blasted open. The wall that was supposedly could withstand anything. The only thing left was this stupid notice: “Relocated to Texas” I was too late...I’ll never reach it. Not with these hungry bandits on my tail. I don’t have any supplies, no water, what am I going to do? ~January 19th, 2016 - Journal Entry#45~ I found this abandoned hotel last night. The beds are still here. Guess whoever lived here didn’t think they were worth the extra weight. Been years since I’ve seen a bed, let alone slept on one. Felt good too, really good. Nice and soft. Reminded me of home, back when the world was a peaceful place. Back when I had friends, family, even had a pet dog. They’re all gone now and soon I will be, too. I can hear the fuckers outside right now. I tried barring the door shut, but they’ve nearly broken through now....I’m tired, too tired to run anymore. If they want me, they can come and get me. But if I’m going to die, I’m taking some of the assholes with me. I’ve still got my revolver. Dumbasses didn’t find it last time they caught me, they’re going to wish they had. It’s a shame they’ll take it when I’m dead. Only have six shots left; five for them and one for me. I can hear them. They broke the door down, it’s only a matter of time now. I have only one regret…. *the rest of the entry is covered in blood, ink smudged across the paper*