[center][h1]Jiro[/h1][/center] Jiro waited on Simon as he picked up the shredded money. He kept smiling at him which he thought was genuinely creepy. [color=ed1c24][i]If only everyone could be as happy as this guy...[/i][/color] He thought to himself going into a train of thought. He looked back up realizing that Simon was now waiting on him and walked over to him at a fast pace. He followed Simon around the school both of them getting looks. Simon seemed a bit served about it but Jiro paid no attention. Simon asked him once again if he though she was alright and replied [color=ed1c24]"As far as I know she is, but I couldn't tell you for sure. If you read ally want to know ask her your self,"[/color] as He pointed to Nayu by a window. Jiro walked up behind Simon as he poured the ripped money into Nayu's hand. He commented [color=ed1c24]"You know if you go to the bank, you can get a new $50 if you have %50 or more of the original bill."[/color] After she realized he was there she start rambling excuses which he found cute. He caught every word if what she said, thought it was difficult to process what she said, and was about to reply when she commented on the flowers. Of course him being a insensitive guy he said [color=ed1c24]"Yea, pretty flowers."[/color] cutting it short and not necessarily sweet. He smiled and said only half jokingly, [color=ed1c24]"I would love to go out and eat with you...[i]Growl...[/i][/color] He was going to continue speaking when a giant growl, with the pain, came out of his stomach. [color=ed1c24]"Speaking of food, me and Simon were skipping the rest of school to go to my house to eat. You can join us if you want."[/color] [@sakurasan][@WaddleDaisy]