[b]Rules​[/b] [quote]* PM me your characters. And ask any extra questions in the OOC. Keep the OOC lively and I'll be extra happy. * I do not expect super big, super advanced posts. But I do expect a paragraph or more.​ * I will have people post at least once every week if possible, once every two weeks at the least. You get one slip up per cycle. Slip up twice in a row without telling, and you are out​ *Any questions, any questions at all, do let me know.​ [/quote] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/8783a1af3c610a7fc6ab46036f7a70f1.png[/img][/center] Genre: Superheroes, Humor, The Fantastic​ Welcome to Mercury City, Home of the Gold Battalion and Captain Ultra. A place of marvel with flying men and women battling grotesque monsters and alien invaders. Mercury city lies of the Eastern Coast, one of the worlds biggest cities, and the US capital of Supers. MC has been the hot spot for magical attacks, alien landings and other crazy, none to pleasant events. The Cites police force have a special task force, The Super Suppression Unit or The SSU for short, tasked to deal with the smaller fry and to back up the big guns when it's needed. Speaking of the big guns, there are a number of American Superhero organizations. The most prominent one is the Gold Battalion. Led by the Super known as Captain Ultra, they are the most famous of all super heroes. The GB have affiliated subsections all across the globe, and its founding members are practically gods in the eyes of the people. Captain Ultra is the prototype of the All American Dream. A blonde, steely eyed superhuman who got his powers from a Alien experiment. He can fly, lift cars with one hand and is impervious to almost anything. The Rubric is the groups super genius, who has built and designed all the tech they use. The Walker is their Mystic, nobody knows what his deal is, he always shows up when magic is going awry. Last is Madame Shifter. A lady of class and sophistication she apparently comes from a alternate dimension and can teleport and read minds. And the City also Harbors villains. Great and small. The Greatest is Dr Morpheus, PHD in World Domination. The lone surviving human of a alternate timeline where Humanity was wiped out by a biological superweapon, Morpheus merged with the weapon and came to our timeline to end the world anew. He was of course stopped, and now he is reduced 'simply' being the worlds second smartest man and the crazies of mad geniuses. You'd think a society under the onslought of the wierd would collapse sooner or later. But no, the world has gotten used to it by now. Used to the large scale destruction, the personal vandettas, the mad scientist raising a army of mutant rats. For more then two centuries, some sort of vigilante have battled some sort of serial killing madman. And it's not like Mercury City is the only place with superheroes and villains either. Break Town has its mysterius magical avenger couple: Rowina Red and Bobby Blue. Plutopolis have Victor Wonderous, the genius inventor. Heroes and Villains are part of the world order in a world filled with supermen, psuedo-gods and secret agents. The Earth houses Inter Galactic superheroes, time travelling detectives, titanium alloyed cyborgs and Billionares. And of course, you have the timedisplaced crimelords, the dark magicians, the crazy half-gods and galactic overlords. Nemesises to the greatest names of the Supers. Fear inducing by the very mention of their names, despite always falling short of world. So. Where do you fit in? Well, This isn't about them. This isn't about Dr Morpheus or Captain Ultra. This is about you, the lowrung, low on the totem and up and starting C-List villain. You have done the oddjobs for B-list and A-list villains, taken the fall for their crazy plans. You have been a mook for far to long. Your last crime spree was stopped rather pathetically and now you need resources. That's why you find yourself in the company of fellow C-Listers. Fed up with the table scraps, you are now forming a team. Well. Forming a team, getting money, building a base, establishing a name. All of that good stuff bad guys should be doing! [center]Life as a C-Lister [img]https://i.gyazo.com/97422bfa10bbc4bc25cac72f90b93632.png[/img][/center]​ Understanding the Mook: Let's face it. You aren't gonna take out Captain Ultra. You may be able to slog him once with a sucker punch, but him slogging you back is just gonna hurt that much more. You might be a mad genius, but you do not have the money, or the tech or the connections to build anything more then a sophisticated suit with blasters. At least so far. And this is the key word, so far. You are a mook, you are barely a step above the average minion or foot soldier. You are down on your luck, you were never given the proper chance! But that changes now. It is time to move up in the world. This RP will have you start at the bottom of the superhero foodchain, and have you claw your way up with a little help from a quirky S-List villain named "The Broker". [center][b]Escaping MOOKDOM: On the subject of power growth.[/b][/center]​ A little known fact is that all Supers seem to grow stronger if they just keep from being pounded into the ground for more then two seconds. The geniuses are self explanatory. New breakthroughs give better tech. Other supers might find their talents grow better with understanding them. Enhanced people might find better formulas or a magician might just find a new artifact to tap into. What ever the case, your powers will grow as long as you don't die or get incarcerated. [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/d6oCIWk.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OjMeBDG.png[/img][/center]​ The way to acquire powers are many, or perhaps you are powerless and instead utilize tech. What ever your talent is, it is grounded in one of these archtypes. It is possible to pick up a second Archtype later on that isn't Genius, Gifted or Alien as those are inate. So a character that has Gifted, can learn magic or be trained in a martial art. But a Specialist cannot suddenly become a alien. [hider=Archtypes] [color=lightblue]Magic:[/color] Trough artifact, supernatural heriatage or magical training, your powers are derived from magic. Magic has the unfortunate weakness of always coming with a catch. Some obvius weaknes found in a spell book somewhere. Or maybe you ar e just a spellslinger. A gunslinger is a big weakness in that case! [color=Red] Specialist:[/color] You have no real power. You have however, training beyond that of any normal person. You know martial arts, or you can hit a target square in the heart with a hips hot. Your weakness is obvious, you are human. You rely on tech. Remember to brag about how you have no powers! [color=Orange]Genius:[/color] Your talents lies in gadgetry only you know how to properly operate. Suits, guns, jet planes, You name it. Obviously you share the same weakness as a specialist. Madness somewhat optional. [color=violet]Enhanced:[/color] Science! Perhaps your friend was a genius, or maybe you were. Experimenting our yourself is staple for supervillains. For whatever reason, you now have super powers. Your weakness tend to lie in whatever counter agent or special equipment the heroes can cook up. [color=lightGreen]Alien:[/color] You are not from this world. You came here from a different timeline, a different dimension or a even a planet somwhere out there. For what ever reason you are now here, relegated to the minor leagues. Your weakness is generally something native to your home world that for some reason can be found in abundance on earth. [color=Gold]Gifted:[/color] Your power is latent, stored in your genes. You are technically human, but nature saw it fit to give you a talent beyond the usual. [color=silver]Construct:[/color] Be it magical or scientific. You aren't human. You were made. A homonculi or a robot, A android or a living bio weapon. The weaknesses of Constructs vary due to their origins, but in general it relates to their nonhuman origin. Machines and Magic constructs alike need a power source. [/hider] Your Power or Equipment is your calling card. You may make or design a power set by picking generic powers or making a power/piece of equipment up yourself, as long as it's not to powerful for a starting talent. Do not make this to general. Have clearly defined and limited powers, equipment or abilities. Is it magic, make sure its not super versatile to the point it can be defined as 40 different variations of a power. These powers will grow, you will gain points to put into your power, as you scale upwards. You could if you wish, put both points into a one power at the start to make it more impact. You start with two points. [hider=My Hider] Generic Starting Powers: [B]Strength[/B] you are capable of lifting a grown man above your head with some effort, and your punches can send some flying a meter or two. [B]Speed:[/B] you are not quite fast as a bullet, but you sure are a lot faster then the average man. Just not fast enough to outrun a bunch of guns. [B]Resistance:[/B] You can take a beating, survive a lot more then the average man. You are ideal to slow down the heroes when the mastermind is escaping! [B]Spell book:[/B] Your magic comes from spells, spells you've written down. You are still a one trick pony, your spells are awfully limited. But in time... Who knows? [B]High Tech Weapon:[/B] You may posses a weapon of some sort that holds unconventional forms of firepower. [B]Power Suit MK1:[/B]You aren't a billionaire. You built this thing out of scraps. Possibly in a cave. [B]Robotic Frame MK1:[/B] The Robotic equivalent of the powersuit (Construct) [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Persona:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Please do not take any mainstream heroes or villains. [b]Age:[/b] [b]Archetype:[/b] [b]Power set:[/b] [b]Origin Story:[/b] Even the lesser of the super criminals have a origin somewhere. It might not be extravagant. Maybe you find a magic trinket. Maybe you were the cast off from some military experiment, the less then promising result of some governments black budget. Make it at least one paragraph. Backstory is more important in this RP then most others, becouse of the nature of supervillains and superheroes. That doesn't mean I need superdetailed stuff however, we'll let things develop as we go. [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/790c01fd11f4804462f9700a38820253.png[/img][/center]​