Dante looked to his left and his right. He investigated the plaza thoroughly or to be more precisly he took a closer look at the new students who arrived at Beacon. So many students and so many different emotions he could see on their faces. Some of them looked like they saw an old friend again. In some other faces you could see the doubts, if it was the right decision to come here. But of course some of them look like they don't give a fuck at all. Dante even could spot some students who are obivous overly eager to begin with their training. All these kinds of emotions seen on these faces were very interesting, but not quite what Dante was looking for. Dante had already spent some time to look around the school grounds but wasn't able to find it. Dante decided then to walk to the main entrance of the school, after all every student had to go there so it was easier to ask someone if they might know where it was. Dante held his letter tight and strolled over to the entrance.