Right. It was called a Mess Hall, Nyx realized when the Isorlai corrected her. And Nyx was a [i]Lieutenant[/i] which was cool and better than 'Engineering Gremlin' as her old superiors called her. This was exciting and cool and... in all the excitement, Nyx missed that the group was moving out to take a tour of the ship. Nyx walked quickly to keep up with the rest of the group, which she was glad she caught up to, because otherwise she'd have gotten lost amongst all the twists and turns of the ship. She knew she'd figure it out eventually, but for now she figured that she'd just get lost going anywhere. However, it would be easy to find their bunks, because of the giant plaque. Nyx smiled big, because that looked like the squad was a big deal. Which was extra cool, because now she was a part of the big, cool explorer team. Nyx heard her name and turned to listen. "I understand from your profile that you have a lot of engineering experience. I want you to work with Masaryk and the engineering crews to get our fighters ready for arrival. They were delivered to use straight back from depot-level maintenance, and are still in the last stages of reassembly and calibration. I will be scheduling time for everyone to work on them with the crews as well to get them calibrated and fitted properly for all of us too. As well as that, there's plenty more on the slate too. Admin work, medical checks and more, and we've got somehow, fit all of it in. Sorry it's such a rush, but we'll find time. First off though, time for the grand tour... once you get your rooms sorted. I'll... stand back and let you argue that one amongst yourselves." [color=00aeef]"Got it. But first, we tour. Then we eat."[/color] Nyx said, smiling. Then she went off to the kitchen to see what was there. A stove, and a refrigerator. She opened the fridge and started stuffing her pockets with various bits and pieces of food and one can of soda went into the bag. Once she was done she started to scout of rooms, and picked the one she liked the feel of most. She plopped her bag on the bed and then went out into the main area, picking a chair to sit on and wait out the arguments. She'd already claimed her room, so if they wanted to fight her for it, they'd have to kick her out first.