Santa Claus - 14 [color=ed1c24]Comet - 4[/color] Cupid - 20 Donner - 20 Blitzen - 20 Ms. Claus - 20 Santa's Elves - 20 Grandma(from Grandma Got Ran Over by A Reindeer) - 20 Grinch - 20 Ghost of Christmas Present - 20 Ghost of Christmas Past - 20 Krumpus - 42 Jack Skellington - 20 Sally - 20 Resistance still being pests. STOP Begin [color=fff200]Operation: Pincer[/color]. STOP Currently in Peru STOP crushing rebellion. STOP Wade, Cows STOP reconstruct infrastructure. STOP Broby with me STOP to continue offensive. STOP Will maintain contact STOP via telegram. STOP EDIT-- It appears STOP that 1st telegram STOP arrived late. STOP Next person must STOP wait an additional STOP 10 minutes. STOP Will sacrifice 2nd STOP joint of my finger STOP for this.