Cleo tried hard to keep track of what was said, but her head was spinning and she couldn't concentrate. It seemed that she was finally getting some panic in her veins. Not enough to freak out, but enough to feel a little dizzy. She resisted sitting down and instead decided to tell what little information was on her mind right now. [color=6ecff6]"I... I have a little sad man hanging from my phone and my text says that I slept over my birthday and that I could gather a present by a dropoff point."[/color] She looked at the one, who just mentioned the same dropoff thing and whose phone had gone off. [color=6ecff6]"I am with you, I guess. I wanna know what this dropoff point is and what we'll find there."[/color] It may be risky and dangerous though, she thought. She decided to share the rest bit of information she had with them too. [color=6ecff6]"My room was.... I think 14. I didn't really look at the number to be honest. In my box was this phone with the sad man and a hatchet. It's dull though. Beside that I've got water and some food."[/color] She then pointed behind herself into the darkness from where she came. [color=6ecff6]"Also that way there's a wall kinda thing made out of debris. I don't know if that means anything, but thought I'd mention it."[/color] Cleo took a deep breath and slowly her mind went clear again. [color=6ecff6]"I am sure those little things hanging from the phones have a meaning. And I am not really positive about mine."[/color]