Seth nodded his head to his music blaring from his headphones around his neck while he kicked his hacky sack around his body. His Nirvana strapped to his back once I graduate from Beacon I’ll join Hunters band and travel around the world. I just hope I can get through this academy quickly enough for that to happen Seth thought as he coughed the hacky sack on the edge of his shoe. “I’m so board already,” Seth said as he eyed the courtyard. He wasn’t looking at any of the students, but more at the land scape. He smiled before he ked over to a tree where his hover board was. He picked it up and stepped on it before it began to float into the air. He put pressure on the front of the board to have it move and accelerate before he ollied onto a guard rail and grinded a few feet before ollieing off. “Maybe this place will be more fun after all,” Seth said before he added, “This school as an abundant amount of places to practice on.” He took out his music player and flipped through a few songs before finding the one he wanted. All the while he hovered a few inches off the ground on the board.