[h3][color=004b80]Outside of Room 9 - Gray Cièl[/color][/h3] Gray nodded at Irina nearly happily. It was nice to know that not everything around here was insane. These people seemed nice, hopefully they could all get out of here, working together perhaps. [color=004b80]“That’d be great, I think for the time being we should follow the orders on the phone, especially while they’re not too difficult or out of the way.”[/color] Gray said nodding at the girl and taking her hand. [color=004b80]“You guys go deal with what you need to, we’re going to go deal with this.”[/color] Gray plugged her nose as Irina and instructed her to and had her lead the way towards the sad girl. It wouldn’t be long before the smell of decomposition would refill the air around the two. It was a disgusting thing to have to put up with, and completely and fully demoralizing. When Gray saw the girl she stopped dead in her tracks, gasping. She turned to Irina feeling her nose tighten and her eyes begin to well up. [color=004b80]“Jesus,”[/color] Gray began [color=004b80]“shit”[/color] she finished eloquently as always. [color=004b80]“So I have to find a key, any idea where that would be?”[/color] Gray said quietly looking at Irina, the girl had known where the corpse was, and thusly she was the intelligence on this one. From Gray’s analysis – the girl had been dead for some time, but that was more of an educated guess than anything else. Gray slowly approached the dead body and decided she’d check the pockets for any keys. She slipped her hands in while doing her best to control her gag reflex. She started with the pockets of the girls pants and continued over her shirt if there was anything concealed. Gray found herself staring at Irina instead of watching what she was doing for a multitude of reasons. She was cute, that was the smallest and least important reason. To control her gag reflex, that was a strong one, she couldn’t bear the sight of what she was currently doing. Finally there was the fact that she had just met Irina, she had also forced herself to be weary of the fact that Irina knew where a dead body was. She wanted to believe that they could help each other but god forbid if Gray had to look at what she was doing. Finally she’d check around the girl’s neck. In case she was wearing a key like a necklace or something else like that.