[h1][color=orangered]Theresa ot an Bol'hjar[/color], [b]Benedict Kaspin[/b][/h1] [hr] They left The Pale Horse about as soon as they entered it. The whole city was in the same shape, but... something about this scene in particular... it hit just a bit harder. Potato was still clung to Theresa's shoulder. Seemed to sense Ben wanted a little space at the moment. The trio headed further through the market district, passing looks to the absurd number of bodies strewn about. What was the story behind this place? Who destroyed it, and why? The more time the duo spent here, the more they became focused on learning the history behind Voldoa rather than on finding an obscure key. Sadly, whatever thoughts were going through their heads were suddenly interrupted by gunfire. [b]"LOOK OUT!"[/b] A hail of bullets rang from high and ahead of them. Theresa took cover behind the body of a flesh golem, Ben ducking behind the corner of a building. "What the hell!?" Theresa called out, Potato burying its face in her hair out of fear. Ben didn't respond, he just slowly peaked his head out until he could just see ahead - and another barrage came soaring at him from the top of a relatively low clocktower, hanging over the market. Ben quickly ducked back behind the building, passing Theresa a worried look. Certainly not a fun situation, but there was a question abound. Who, or what, was shooting at them?