[quote=@Gheeda] I sorta want to keep Orcs exclusive because one of the Celdrin factions is orcish. As for dark elves i see nothing wrong with them but Vampies? AS a playable race I'm actually not sure because i feel like that would be sorta Op as traditional vampires are required to be attacked in a certain way to kill them, and can infect others with their curse and sorta expand their army that way My main issue is that tradition vampires would actually give the Celdren a hard time with their very specific conditions to die and that their main weapon would be to infect their foes and have them join their side maybe as a slave.I want the Celdren union to DOMINATE the battlefield so we can put the PCs in this fucked up situation I COULD just change the vampire idea around bit..But after i get done with it its prolly just gonna be a basic human that has some addition for blood and is allergic to sunlight [/quote] Actually I was thinking of vampires as batwinged humans that feed on blood, are allergic to sunlight, and have really long natural lifespans. I didn't think of them as infecting anyone they bite, anyway. And with where you are going, I am thinking that they should reproduce sexually, just as with any other race. I was thinking of turning most of the traditional vampire mechanics into religious/folklore beliefs of the Vampiric Kingdom. So for example, they don't like garlic or medicines made with garlic because they believe that it was made by the enemies of their gods to lure them away from their true nature (or something like that).