[b]Name:[/b] H'kwa-YA (Harvey) [b]Persona:[/b] Invader X [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/153b/f/2008/076/2/5/2595327e15feefc6.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 593 (542 Years of that in Cryostasis) [b]Archetype:[/b] [color=39b54a]Alien[/color] [b]Power set:[/b] Xetodian Alien Technology: [i]Xetodian Standard Issue Shockblaster[/i](I) -This Blaster shots bolts of electricity at opponents. The power can be regulated. On Xetodia this is a very common Self-Defense Weapon and absolutely nothing special. [i]Xetodian Standard Issue Hazard Suit[/i](I) -A Basic Alien Combat suit that defends against uncommonly high and low temperatures. It also has basic defense capabilities against eternal force. (Might not deflect a bullet but a thrown beer bottle, or a rock.) [b]Origin Story:[/b] H'kwa-YA was just your average Xetodian teenager, taking Rik-Nex and chilling with his friends. When inebriated the dreamed about what work they might have. Being an Officer in the Star Fleet, becoming rich with their new inventions, getting famous for their music... Well that did not happen. H'kwa-YA became an repair guy. Your beam-tricepter broke? He came to fix it. And than after a long and badly paid work day he got back to his small apartment were he lived alone. Until one day he had enough. He bought with all his saved money a small vessel, a gun and a hazard suit and set course for a incredibly primitive planet. They would tremble in front of him. He would be their King! No their God! Unfortunately he forgot too take into account how long the journey would take. When he arrived at the primitive planet the local species got quite advanced. They already had weapons that might rival his own and their heroes where more powerful than he could ever achieve. Well their might still be a chance? Perhaps?