[quote=@Lugubrious] [hider=I'd be interested to see what a couple of you all think about a specific part of the new episode] Specifically, the scene between Jaunce and Pyrrha, and most specifically, the end. It seems to me like the thing that struck Pyrrha so deeply, Jaune saying that she shouldn't let anything stand in the way of her destiny, was so impactful because the operation that would transmit Amber's aura to her might affect her personality, thereby partially destroying who she is, including her feelings for Jaune. Her self was, it appeared, the thing that was standing in her way. Of course, Jaune didn't know what he was endorsing since he was just trying to help, but it's still sad to see a tender moment go sour because of a misunderstanding. Especially since Jaune blames himself completely for the pain Pyrrha's feeling. Did you guys see this the same way? If not, what was your take?[/hider] [/quote] [hider=Episode thoughts] Yeah, I got that vibe too. But I've personally been on the bandwagon saying that Pyrrha has been flying death flags all season, and that contrary to expectations Penny is gonna find herself hacked by Cinder and tear Pyrrha half a dozen new ones. I think the Arkos moment was just another step of buildup to that. Also kind of bummed that my theory of Raven as a Maiden seems to be disproven - I doubt Qrow would have only just gotten in touch with her and she'd be allowed to wander on her own so freely if she were a Maiden. She's just kind of a wingnut Huntress who happens to be a shitty mom. What about Ironwood? Did anyone get the sense he has some old unresolved PTSD going on that he hinted at with in RWBY's dorm? The "tension" teased in that scene was so lame and over so fast that Ironwood was about all I had the energy to give a shit about.[/hider]