[center][b]North Hallway above Room 16[/b][/center] Aedin smiled at the metal on the wall as he heard the hollow echo. That was good to know, and definitely something he'd have to investigate with the proper tools if he could find them. He could care less about the lack of messaging program as the only purpose of the phone right now was to be a source of light, albeit a poor one. The light, however, was enough to work by. He could get some decent scavenging done right now which put a grin on his face. He picked up an empty can of food and looked it over. The label had worn off completely, but cans made for a great alarm when put together. There were about a dozen of the things in the pile. Food scraps were here and there all of which were totally inedible. He couldn't use the cardboard for much, but the empty bottles and cans could at least be somewhat useful. He picked up every single one of the bags, of the seven he counted four of them didn't have wholes too big to make them useful. He split the dozen cans between two bags and then filled the rest with the empty bottles. [b]"I'll figure something out to do with you guys."[/b] His tone was smug. [b]"Maybe I'll invent a new art form or something."[/b] Aedin quickly paced back to Room 16 and put the bags inside right next to the door. He then looked over at the body and frowned. [b]"I can't have you as a doormat. You'd just stink up the place."[/b] It took him some effort, but he started dragging the body back towards the sheet metal wall. As soon as he got there he'd leave it in the remains of the pile of garbage and start searching for actual living people.