[hider=NPCs] [hider=Galahad Oakheart] [center] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5shq6Z6V31r8v3nc.gif[/img] [i]"If I am to die today, let it be for my people.[/i] Name: Galahad Oakheart Age: 49 Position In Tribe: King of the Tribe as well as head of the High Council. Skills: Diplomacy: Galahad was trained as a boy in how to speak to people and get what he wants. He's very persuasive, and is adept at making people listen to him. Swordsmanship: Galahad was an excellent warrior, until he was crippled over a decade ago in a battle with the Mossheart tribe. He can still wield a sword, but he is rather rusty. Personality: Galahad is strong, with a fire in his soul. He loves his people more than anything, and is willing to die for them if necessary. He is a witty man, always looking to twist and adversaries words against them, and some herald him as the Wordsmith King. He hates politics, often professing that his mother was always better at it than he was. Weapon: Galahad used to wield a leaftonite sword that had gold writing on the blade, but he has not wielded it in many years. Family: Galahad's only family is his son, Finnegan, his wife having died four years ago. Bio: Galahad was raised to rule the Oakheart tribe. If he didn't have a sword in his hand then he had a book, and he was trained to be a great warrior, and an even better diplomat. Unfortunately, 15 years ago, while leading an army against the Mosshearts, a squirrel fell on him, crushing his right leg and leaving him with a permanent limp. Other: [hider=Galahad's Mount, Glider] [img]http://d5qsyj6vaeh11.cloudfront.net/images/whats%20available/editorial%20orphan%20articles/article%20images/safe-safari/w2303_d_safe%20safari_squirrel.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Ciara Valeheart] [center] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/3ac9d513fab4654e5635af71f946f93a/tumblr_inline_mnugbtMeMM1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [i]"No! We are survivors! We are not monsters!"[/i] Name: Ciara Valeheart Age: 21 Position In Tribe: Queen and Head of the High Council. Skills: Magic: Ciara is a skilled elementalist, and has mastered every element, a feat that is incredibly rare. She is extremely powerful, and not to be trifled with. Archery: Ciara was trained in archery by one of the most skilled sharpshooters in the forest, and is a force to be reckoned with. Personality: Ciara is harsh, and strong. She knows the cost of survival all too well, and has seen the horrors that people can do. She has seen things she can't unsee and it has made her a fighter. Weapon: Ciara dual wields two leaftonite swords that are engraved with gold vines wrapping up the blade. Family: Ciara's father was the previous king of the Valehearts, and her mother was a merchant. They were deeply in love, although her father is credited for driving the Valehearts into poverty. Bio: As long as Ciara has lived, the Valeheart tribe has been in ruin. Crime stricken and poor, their village was no longer the place of wonder it had once been. This was her father's doing, and when Ciara rose to power at 15, she aimed to fix all that. She brought her tribe back to it's former glory, but along the way she learned of some ancient Watcher artifact that would help establish the Valeheart tribe as a truly great power. Other: [hider=Ciara's Mount, Zeus] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5d/White_Hawk_1_2496239182_cropped.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Finnegan Oakheart] [center] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/a82876d5fc29065ce734c1af2b990121/tumblr_mmmkqmvkkE1qimfrko2_500.gif[/img] [i]"When there's a sword at your throat, it's very easy to lie."[/i] Name: Finnegan "Finn" Oakheart Age: 21 Position In Tribe: Prince of the Oakhearts Skills: Air Magic: While Finn has been trained in each element, he's always excelled with air, and can use the winds to push back multiple adversaries, or even cushion his falls. Swordsmanship: Finnegan was trained by the royal guards in the art of swordsmanship, the weapon of most Watcher nobles. Finn is great with the weapon, although there are many out there that rival his skills. Diplomacy: Finn was trained with words by his father. He knows how to address nobility, and the art of persuasion. Personality:Finn is an extremely intelligent, reckless, and loyal Watcher. He values mind over matter, but is always ready for a fight. He's been known to take risks, a lot of them, but they've resulted in many military victories. He is a true friend, and someone you'd want to have at your side in any situation, and a great leader as well. Weapon: Finn wields a curved [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/86/29/56/862956682570ebea76ee0039b80bae6b.jpg]sword[/url] made from leaftonite, a weapon that was forged specially for him. Family: Finn's mother was killed in battle when he was young, and so he barely knew her. He has grown up with his father, who he cares about deeply. Bio: Finn has wanted for nothing all his life. As the prince of his tribe he was always given whatever he asked for, though as he grew up he began to give his things back to the less fortunate of his people. He's always been popular among the tribe, first for his kind heart as a child, and later for his military prowess as an adult. When he was 16 he led a squadron of soldiers against the Leafhearts, a squadron which was later celebrated for bringing a swift end to the war with an insane tactic that involved a lot of rocks. After the war he spent his time training with magic and training more soldiers. Other: [hider=Finn's mount, Aerian] [img]https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/PHOTO/LARGE/Snowy_Owl_RaymondLee.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Morgana Rosewood] [center][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/a1cb82ed9b95f25d052a6f23fef84b0d/tumblr_inline_mpt4flFxHK1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [i]"Come and have a go. If you think you're hard enough."[/i] Name: Morgana Rosewood Age: 21 Position In Tribe: Apprentice Knowledge Keeper Skills: Charisma: Morgana has a natural air about her that just makes you want to listen. She can convince many people to do many things, a skill taught to her by her mentor, Alexander. Water Magic: Morgana is a skilled water mage, although her skills with earth magic are very good as well. She can use her magic to freeze water, or even create waves of water. Personality: Morgana is very intelligent, a genius in fact. She's confident, with an air about her that let's you know she's the smartest girl in any room. She's quick and to the point, not wasting anytime with the feelings of others. This is a trait that's lost her quite a few friends, although she doesn't dwell on that. Who has time for friends when there's work to do? Weapon: Morgana wields a wooden bo staff, although she's not very well trained with it. Family: Morgana's parents are both dead, killed in a fire when she was young. Bio: Morgana has only ever known life as an orphan. When she was barely walking her parent's were killed in a fire at the market and she was taken in by the local orphanage. When she was 15 she became the apprentice of the village's Knowledge Keeper, the Watcher who record the tribe's history. She became very close with her new mentor and respects him very much. Her intelligence was seen as a great resource and so, she was sent with the others to find the mystery artifact. Other: [hider=Morgana's mount, Athena] [img]http://www.romania-insider.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/small-spotted-eagle.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [/hider]