[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9e/f9/87/9ef98735d5d7a91384b46d9868d74c89.jpg[/img] [color=7bcdc8][i]"I guess i got...carried away."[/i][/color] [color=7bcdc8]Appearance:[/color] A lengthy creature just like all others. Myrid has a splattering of freckles paired with sun bleached hair and startlingly bold grey eyes. [color=7bcdc8]Name:[/color] Indus Horologium [color=7bcdc8]Age:[/color] 35 [color=7bcdc8]Position In Tribe:[/color] A soilder, making her way to the higher ranks. [color=7bcdc8]Skills:[/color] [b]Riding:[/b] Indus Excels in bird and squirrel riding, or in most cases staying on as mounts do not appreciate riders other than their own. She has a tact at flying her own mount, Aquila, and is exceptionally agile. [b]Archery:[/b] Indus has trained in archery for many years with the Oakheart army. She is skilled at mounted archery specifically and usually will at least hit what she is aiming for if not the exact spot. [color=7bcdc8]Personality:[/color] A hard worker set on her goals, Indus will not let anything stand in her way. She has worked hard to get as far as she is and does not intend to give up any time soon on her goals. She his head strong and feels there is no problem that can't be solved because there needs to be an answer for her. She is partial to at least try to solve things in a non-violent way, though this doesn't guarantee anything as her tolerance is very short for those of other tribes, and only slightly better for those of her own. [color=7bcdc8]Weapon:[/color] A simple wooden longbow granted to her by the army it has been thus modified with shades of blue by Indus for ascetic purposes. [color=7bcdc8]Family:[/color] Both her parents had been in the army at some point in time, Indus figures that's where they met though she doe not pry. None the less both are now happily positioned as food merchants gathering berries and mushrooms to sell at the market. While this is mostly due to their injuries; partial blindness, and one less arm than anyone is supposed to have, they are content. At least they are still helping their tribe. She has a baby brother, Pictor. [color=7bcdc8]Bio:[/color] As short tempered as she was as a child Indus has come a long way. Now days she strives to reach the highest ranks of the army as to make her parents proud. They always react with joy though it seems very distant and melancholy and Indus can't process why. She only ever tries to receive their praise. Their lack of reaction leads her to more and more daring thing, through more daring and dangerous stunts. She craves attention. [color=7bcdc8]Other:[/color] [hider=Indus's mount, Aquila] [img]http://b50ym1n8ryw31pmkr4671ui1c64.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/11/files/2015/02/BlueJay_PhotoContest.jpg[/img] A female Blue jay [/hider] [/center]