[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xlLDwuP.png?2[/img] [b][h2][color=Orange]Tanji Tsugiharu[/color][/h2] At the foot of Central Command Stairs, Konoha Ame-Suna Border, Harvest Festival[/b] [@Savato] [/center] [hr] Tanji had arrived to the meeting with everybody else that was involved in the kerfuffle outside. Despite the rough beginnings of the day the higher ups were able to organize a suitable and informative conference. Many of the operators at the intelligence corps mumbled about the oddity that commands the confederate's armed forces, but he didn't expect it to be a foul-mouthed feline calling the shots.But hey, in a world where wrinkled old men can summon talking toads and monkeys, it was more comical than unsettling. That said he made himself comfortable and listened into the Commander's speech, he chocked on his own tongue and squirmed around his chair listening to how nonchalant and informal his soon to be commanding officer was, it was a far cry from the prim and proper image of powerful Kages and Sages, but you wouldn't catch him complaining out loud. He did however enjoy its speech in showing the rebel scum what-for with its jeers and japes at the Red Sages' mothers' promiscuity. He went as far as actually "Whooping" at that part. By the end of the public speech he applauded and got up to meet whoever he would be attached to. What he didn't expect was to be personally addressed by the head-honcho itself as it directed them to a rather luxurious room. [color=f26522] "Take whatever the hell you want. We're going to get comfortable all three of us. So, Tenji was it? Who cares? Anyway, how was it with that fucking buzzkill in the 11th Corps? Jeez, tell me about your life there actually. As for you, Kanata, yeah that's it, just tell me what the fuck you were doing in that shithole in the first place. You know, the Festival no sane kid would go unless they were forced through death threats." [/color] Tanji was visibly nervous, and didnt really know what to do with his hand -or body- in general and just opted to stand stark straight, and look just above his commanders head without actually looking into its eyes. [color=f7941d] "Uh- I mean, Sir- or Mam, whichever you think best fits, sorry,"[/color] he stuttered, before recomposing himself, and shouting in response louder than what was required, [color=f7941d]"The 11th corps. does the confederacy proud. Their enigmatic tactics are what you would expect from such a group, but to tell you the truth I felt very out of place and uh- uncomfortable, when on very long missions with them, Sir, or, ah- Mam. I mostly provided screens and distractions for their louder operations and coverage in their more subtle approaches."[/color] He hesitated once again, [color=f7941d]"(Uh... what else), OH! I also served as primary interrogator for the squads I was attached to as they saw that my loyalty and zeal were very hard to compromise when I delved into enemy heads sir, -or, ah- mam."[/color] He finished rather weakly, hoping that his answer was sufficient as he waited for a response.