(For best results, read everything else before the bio first :P If you read where I got my app from, I changed her takeover semblance from "Dragon" to "Fallen Angel". It was the closest I could get to what I wanted XD) Name: Vivianne Gaia Gender: Female Colour: Violet Symbol: [hider][img]http://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1730791/227939719/stock-photo-bright-blue-and-violet-beautiful-abstract-flowers-hand-drawing-watercolor-graphics-on-textured-227939719.jpg[/img][/hider] Race: Human [i]Normal Appearance[/i] [hider][img]http://static.zerochan.net/full/44/30/201544.jpg[/img][/hider] [i]Appearance When 'Possessed'[/i] [hider][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/valkyriecrusade/images/2/2f/Thanatos_1.png/revision/latest?cb=20150920161729[/img][/hider] Status: Student Age: 17 Bio: Before anything, Vivianne is a Shrine Maiden. She always has and, from her perspective, always will be. A tender to the god's temples, Vivianne grew up a shrine maiden, and has devoted her life to the service. Ever since she was young she has been fond of the priestesses and their ability to bless those around them with their power, hence why Vivianne has always wanted to become one, too. [i]However, there's a sharp contrast between desire and truth...[/i] She was always mature for her age, or so people tell her, and even now she upholds the position of upperclassman with a level of maturity that far outranks even some of the current hunters and huntresses. Perhaps this was the reason she did so well in both her studies as a shrine maiden and as a student at Beacon academy. Regardless, Vivianne lived a peaceful life as a shrine maiden in-the-making with her family, up until her twelfth birthday, where Durandal was passed down to her. At first the blade scared her, and to this day it still does at times, however she learnt to better control it -- to tame it -- over the course of the next few years. Her mother and father trained her in its use, so Vivianne could continue the legacy of the family and it's sacred weapon. Everything was going well for the next few years, up until she reached her fifteenth birthday: the day she was old enough to attempt to evoke her semblance. Unfortunately for Vivianne, this would soon become the worst birthday of her life. So much so she would curse herself out for years to come because of it. It was the third of June - a day usually accompanied with happiness and cheer was soon enveloped in depression and grief ever since she lost control of her semblance three years ago. The Gaia family, also known for handing down the great blade Durandal, were also known for their skilled works as hunters and huntresses, namely due to their impressive semblances. Why were they so impressive? [u]Because all of their semblance were living creatures.[/u] Of course, each member of the family would be granted a different animal, though they wouldn't always awaken to it thanks to favouring other lifestyles. However, Vivianne was "gifted" with possibly the strongest semblance in the family: the Fallen Angel. At first things were going well, but once the Fallen Angel took over, there was no stopping the destruction and pure carnage that ensued. Vivianne had lost control, and during that brief time, the shrines had been destroyed, and her family... killed. Upon her recovery, she had people she once knew as friends calling her out as a demon, and her right to become a shrine maiden had been revoked. Fearing that they may even kill her, Vivianne fled and wandered the streets of the city for a whole year, often going for long periods of time fasting and not eating simply because she couldn't get anything edible. It was here, on the streets, that she came across a semblance suppressant drug - the key to locking away all her problems. Of course, she brought a great number of them (though it certainly wasn't cheap - she had to pull a few favours that she wasn't proud of), and took the drug in healthy amounts, though there were some terrible side effects... Towards the end of the year, Vivianne was about ready to die until she was found by a hunter of Beacon Academy. He took her there and allowed her to recover her strength. The hunter questioned Vivianne about her blade, Durandal, and she replied that it was something handed down to her in hopes she could become a huntress. He then asked her if she actually wanted to become a huntress, and Vivianne told him it was all she had, now. And so, at the beginning of term, she took the test to see if she was capable of becoming a huntress. Needless to say, she failed pretty hard. She wasn't an excellent fighter back then, and wasn't all that smart in the subject of being a huntress. Thankfully, the hunter took her under his wing and she began to train... Her mature attitude, strong will and determination made learning a synch. In fact, in half a year, the hunter had already given her some of the more advanced stuff in what would've been her year group, and she was doing pretty damn good. Her physical abilities had also improved a lot, although she didn't look it. So, now halfway through the first year, Vivianne took the test again... ... and absolutely aced it. She received top marks in the academic tests and her athletic abilities were just as good. And so, Vivianne was finally accepted into Beacon. Now beginning her first year at Beacon Academy, Vivianne hopes to become the best she can be, in an effort to escape from her past. The question is, how long will that last? Weapon: Durandal - a sacred blade passed down the generations and modified to fit today's weapons, Durandal is a powerful blade that excels in what it does. That is, destroying things. The polar opposite to Vivianne, this blade is destructive and violent on a tremendous level. Transforming it turns the blade into an anti-tank rifle capable of piercing just about everything. The downside of this weapon is that it's extremely hard to control, like it has a mind of its own, as Vivianne put it, and it's second form is incredibly hard to find ammunition for, hence it gets sparse use. It looks a little something like this, but as a two-handed greatsword: [hider][img]http://www.globalgear.com.au/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/d/s/dsc_0346.jpg[/img][/hider] Semblance/Special Ability: Balance Break - an ability of dangerous power that Vivianne has sealed away within herself. She wishes nothing more to do with this power and has vowed to herself to never use it. What it does is it overwhelms the user's limitations in return for their senses, as they allow a creature to take over their body. Vivianne's is a Fallen Angel. They're capable of becoming stronger than even the greatest of grimm, but the user loses all control in the process, hence why Vivianne has devoted all her time to self-control ever since "the incident". She has taken action to suppress this power by whatever means necessary. Equipment: Durandal, x5 Mega Dust Rounds, shrine maiden clothing, semblance suppressants, magenta pendant