Grace nodded, smiling, at Anna when she arrived. Good grief, was this girl ever going to stop growing? Before Grace could answer Vespy's question about weirdness at school, Anna butted in with an overly enthusiastic outburst. Grace grinned at her. "I think you said the word 'weird' about fifty times. That's pretty impressive! I'm afraid I can't beat that, Vespy, so you'll just have to make do with Anna's answer." She started to pat Vespy on the head in rhythm to [url=]the tune[/url] playing in her head. She looked around, having nothing to contribute to the conversation just yet. She didn't find it to be a very nice view -- mostly a bunch of high schoolers loitering around after classes. She had to admit they had every reason to loiter: it was a nice day out, with a few hours left before the sun would start to set. A few white clouds winked down at the town from the chilly blue October sky. The cedars the town was named for would stay green all winter long, but the oaks that covered the high school's campus were starting to turn all sorts of lively colors. The beat in her head made her feel like she could take on anything face-on. Including (and especially) any bizarre happenings her friends were about to bring up.