Arriving at Beacon wasn't quite as breathtaking for Vivianne as it may have been for other first-years. She'd seen the academy, as well as similar structures, many times in her seventeen years of living. Even so, she was certainly impressed by the structure. Humanity sure had come a long way since its days before dust, and hopefully it would continue to do so well into the future. Vivianne merely hoped that the threat of the Grimm could be dealt with quickly enough before the world was rid of Dust, seeing as it was a finite resource, which would only ever decrease as time went on. From the way she walked, one could automatically assume she was something of a prestigious class, though that wasn't the case for the young Gaia. She was simply taught to be well-mannered and formal by her parents, as was the way of a Shrine Maiden. She walks without much presence, trying not to draw too much attention to herself yet, as she slowly, quietly made her way to the front entrance, passing by the checklist teacher with little more than a smile as she enters the front entrance to the academy. Such great legends had spawned from Beacon over the years. Her own family had attended the academy for as long as they'd taken to being hunters and huntresses. Tales of teams JNPR and RWBY particularly caught her interest most recently, as these people had taken to becoming legends, creative and unique. Well, now was Vivianne's time - it was her turn to become someone great. Someone others could look up to. She wanted to become a symbol for those who felt they weren't as skilled as the others; she wanted to prove that by working hard, you can achieve anything. And what better way to do that than to prove to the world you can become an excellent huntress [i]without[/i] a semblance? "I took a pill this morning, so I should be OK..." She muses to herself as she tries to make sense of where she had to go. "Where do the new students go again...? Was it the auditorium?" She asks herself, looking around. She'd studied the layout of Beacon beforehand, so she knew exactly where to go. "So I need to go this way..." She says to herself as she starts heading for the auditorium.