((A collab between Wolfmaw and TD)) [hr][h2]Amelia[/h2] Agnès was excited for the new patch, and had spent the entire night waiting for the launcher to tell her that the game was ready. Logging in was normal, but when she selected her character and entered the game, there was no loading screen or anything of the sort. Instead, there was a nigh instantanious change in scenery around her. She found herself standing in a wide plain, at the bottom of a wide cliff. The cliff itself had a large and intimidating entrance carved out of it, but said entrance was devoid of people. While she was confused at first, after confirming that she was literally in-game, Agnès--no, Amelia--became ecstatic. "Hehehe. It seems that my consciousness and true self have finally merged into their complete form. But first, I need to run some tests to see if my powers have fully accepted my new soul." Excited to try out magic for real for the first time in her life, she focused her mind, trying to picture what it is she wanted to happen. And then, as if by instinct, she found something deep within her. Bringing that newfound sensation to the forefront of her mind, she fired a grey "bullet" of pure energy towards a random point on the cliff. It hit exactly where she wanted it to. Smiling, Amelia brought her hand up to her mouth and gave a little chuckle. "Huhuhu, it seems that I have no problems using my skills, but I should run more tests to be sure." Strangely, all the fatigue that she had felt after waiting all night for the patch was gone, and so she went at it for the next hour, using her Magic Alteration skills. When she finally stopped to take a break, the surrounding landscape was completely ruined, with giant burns, craters, large clusters of ice, and walls of metal littering the entire area. "Fuhuhuhu hehehehehe AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Excellent! Everything is in order! Watch out, forces of evil, and fear the dark! For [i]I[/i] am coming for you! ... Right after my trusted mentor arrives." [color=694489]Speaking of which, where [i]is[/i] he?[/color] After looking around for a couple seconds, she spotted somebody, materializing seemingly out of nowhere. The newcomer, wearing a full set of dracolich armour and a longsword with a dragon skull where the guard should be in hand erased all doubt. It was him. "Aha! There you are, Master Lorand! I've been waiting for you." A wide grin spread across her face as she waved towards him. [hr][h2]Lorand[/h2] Dave was simply sitting there, watching some youtube videos, waiting for the game that he had played to completion to finally update. The game he was waiting for was the popular MMO Untold Eternity, which had become his new favorite game these past two years. While he rarely got overly excited about things, he couldn't contain himself tonight. The game was finally getting some new content, which was something that he desperately needed. While watching his video, he heard a little 'ping' sound that signified that the game was done updating. He immediately began to log in to the game after closing down his browser. He input his info into the log-in box, pressed enter, and then things got weird. Rather than the loading screen he had been used to, it feeled as if everything changed around him seemlessly. The next time he looked around, and the scenery had changed dramatically. He looked around, and he knew for sure he was no longer in his room. He was just there, standing in an open field, right next to a giant white cliff. Looking around more, he noticed various deformities in the landscape, like craters. Yeah, there were a lot of those. He looked down at his body, and saw that he was wearing Dracolich armor, and that's when it hit him. He was left saying "What the....." as he realized he was INSIDE of Untold Eternity. And then he heard words that sent a very bad chill down his spine. He heard the excited words "Aha! There you are, Master Lorand! I've been waiting for you." and immediately, his spirits dropped rather low. Of [b]ALL[/b] the people he had to be stuck in a video game with, it was his, well, 'pupil' Amelia. The person who never stopped asking him questions, role played in game, and even called him 'Master' for god knows what reason. Well, it wasn't so bad, she was a genuinely nice person, but he would have preferred to meet her later. He let out a heavy sigh as he turned to face the excited fairy. He looked straight at her and said "Well, fancy coincidence meeting you here, huh Amelia?" [hr] Amelia crosses her arms, keeping her mischievous grin. "Not at all, Master Lorand. After all, this is the area where we last left off to go about our other lives in the alternate reality." "Yes, we did log off here before, but I guess this means that were stuck together for now. And I believe that we are no longer in your 'alternate reality', we're here now, inside of a video game." Lorand stated, still brooding over the fact that he would probably be stuck with this girl for what seemed to be the rest of his days. Refocusing his mind, he looks back up to the girl and asks with slight hesitation "Well, I have no ideas. What should we do?". "Odd that you should ask that, Master Lorand. I was going to be relying on your guidance on this." After all, it was under Master's tutelage that Amelia was able to aquire the power that she currently held. "Well, I guess we'll go to the city first. Just see what is actually going on here." Lorand states as his shoulders sink slightly, as he now knows Amelia literally is going to follow him wherever he goes now. Without another word, he quickly took off toward the nearest city on foot. "Ah, wha-? We're leaving already?" Amelia charges off after the man she dubs "Master", trying to keep up with his sudden, fast pace. After noticing that Amelia was trying to catch up with him, Lorand decided that he would have a little fun with her. Almost instinctively, he summoned his mount, Rummahl, and took off toward the city at lightning speed. Let's see how fast she can run. Lorand quickly set his course for the nearby city Araldyne, and decided to go to the nearest bar. He was curious how the alcohol tasted. [color=694489]What? What is this? A trial of some sort?[/color] Amelia slows down her pace. Lorand would sometimes do this to her back when they still existed in the Alternate Reality. Running off without a word and leaving her to fend for herself. She's not sure as to why he'd present this challenge to her [i]now[/i] of all times, but she's sure that he's leaving in good faith for her. "So that's how it is, huh, Master Lorand? Huhuhu, I won't dissapoint." Thinking back, in several of her quests, she contacted an organization called The Hidden Mystics of Garrandale. Garrandale is a city north-north-east of Araldyne, and the Mystics, as suggested by the name, are a hidden organization based in Garrandale directly opposed to the vile Assembly of Silence. Such an organization is bound to have informants and spys that can aid in her journey. "Then, I guess it's decided. To Araldyne! Then, to Garrandale!" Draumatically, she sets her course, and starts walking. Staying on course to Araldyne didn't prove to be much challenge, considering that the great warg Rummahl didn't exactly try to hide its tracks. However, along the way, Amelia noticed a small, lost looking beastkin girl wandering about the plains. [color=694489]Tsk, tsk, Master Lorand. I know you were in a hurry to accomplish whatever it is you set off to do, but you can't just leave such a small girl all alone.[/color] And so, she changes her course and walks up to the beastkin girl. "Fear not, small one! For I, Amelia have arrived, and shall hear out your troubles!" Though she calls her "small one", in truth, Amelia is not much taller than the beastkin girl.