[center][hider=Disclaimer]The long awaited opening post is here. You can probably tell, but this was a fair collaborative effort between us, mostly me and Kit with help from Grey, but now it is here and we’re ready to begin.[/hider][/center] Who would have thought things would ever turn out even remotely close to a situation like this? For Yoshiaki Sugihara it must have seemed like something of a dream. Somehow in the course of two days it seemed as though he'd taken up the role of some kind of video game protagonist. Ever since that weird fox woman appeared with what was clearly a baby in his room. The explanation was vague, but he remembered it for the most part. Not everyday a baby gave you such a message. [color=red]"Hello, my name is Fon and this is Miss Shiso Volkov. You, Yoshiaki Sugihara, have been chosen as a candidate to be the 13th boss of a powerful mafia family known as the Vongola. Of course, you may decline the position, but I urge you to take 48 hours and decide. In this time you may not tell anybody of this. Not family, not even your closest friend."[/color] The baby spoke calmly, making the information and choice fairly clear. But that wasn't all. Apparently six others would be approached to be his "Guardians" or something like that. They'd more or less be given the same info and told not to tell anyone either. Maybe it was something like a test. Maybe not. Yoshi couldn't really be too sure. Still, no matter how much Yoshiaki thought about it, he just couldn't wrap his head around such a sudden turn of events. Part of him was ready to jump at the chance as soon as he heard it. It was something of a dream. But then he thought about his mother and sister and whether or not they would be put in harm's way because of it. He started thinking even beyond that. Would his home as whole suffer? All of Namimori? That actually made him laugh. Worrying about people he didn't know, he didn't care about. But it wasn't those idiots. There were a few people he knew that weren't so bad. Among them, was his best friend Rei too. Now here he was. Two days later and heading to the roof of his school to give his decision. With each step he could feel as his resolve strengthened. Of course he would do it. He couldn't pass up a once in a lifetime chance like this. He was grinning. All he'd need to do is get strong enough to protect the people he cared about. Unlike a video game his life wasn't scripted and he could handle things. Even if these so called Guardians couldn't. He was turning the last set of steps now. He heard voices. They were muffled, hard to make out, but still oddly familiar. Was everybody already there? That baby and that fox must have given everyone an earlier meeting time. [color=orange][i]‘What the hell?! Am I supposed to be on display or some crap?! Who invites the boss last?!’[/i][/color] He let out a low growl as he grabbed the handle of the door and pushed it open. The sun shined, but holding his hand over his eyes like a visor he could see more or less. He was surprised for sure at the faces he was seeing. Rei, that pretty bastard Ayumu, the sneaky ass Hisaki, that business-y guy Sanji, and those newer kids Yuki and Sachiko. He knew everyone here! [color=red]"Well, it seems we're all here. Guardians, should he accept this offer, this will be your boss."[/color] The baby spoke before Yoshiaki could verbally react leaving his following words to be only his decision. [color=red]"Saying yes will lead to an exciting, but extremely dangerous life. You must be ready to get stronger, to handle anything that comes your way, to kill or be killed."[/color] The baby continued. [color=red]"Now, since your Guardians have made their decisions, it is all up to you."[/color] Maybe it was the fact that he knew everyone here. Maybe it was because he knew his answer already. It could have been any number of things, but when Fon left it to him he couldn't help but grin again. He knew his answer. [color=orange]"There's no way in hell I'm passing up a chance like this. I'd be crazy not to wanna give it a shot."[/color] He was serious, determined to show it too. The baby was calm, smiling having already guessed the outcome. [color=red]"I told you Miss Volkov."[/color] He said calmly as he hopped off her head. [color=red]"This one is a bit different from what the Vongola has become accustomed too. You can tell by the appearance alone."[/color] He chuckled lightly, small feet carrying him across the rooftop. [color=red]"With that out of the way, Now it it is time for us to move on to the first order of business. Shiso, explain what we'll be doing."[/color] He said simply. Shiso had been looking around at all the possible candidates with a very cheerful look on her face, though she was careful not to move her head about too much since Fon was on top of it. Once he had hopped off a small hum escaped her lips as she agreed with Fon [color=fdc68a]"He’s rather different. Normally the Boss would pick someone much like themselves. I guess he really is desperate enough take the risk."[/color] She was talking as if the boy wasn't there for the time being, though she had respect for the leader's choice she had yet to see if this boy was worth it. When Fon told her to explain she gave a sharp nod. [color=fdc68a]"Your objective is simple. Camping. The mafia is big into it."[/color] He smirked a little, only to give a small yip when a slipper slammed into her forehead, tossed by Yuki and prompting her to continue proper. [color=fdc68a]"This will help you build trust and allow us to test you. You have the rest of the day to pack and get some rest because you won't be getting much on the trip. I suggest that you spend this time together in order to get to know those you will one day work together with. Tomorrow morning at 8 sharp we will meet at Namimori Shrine. Oh and if you happen to change your minds...?"[/color] An almost sinister grin crossed her lips, the once cheery fox women looked more like a demon [color=fdc68a]"I will have to drag you there myself."[/color] All at once her face returned to normal. [color=fdc68a]"Ok?~”[/color] Yoshiaki was taken aback by the sudden change in Shiso’s demeanor. It was somewhat odd. Unsettling. More so, he’d noticed when a slipper was tossed at her. Was she connected to that girl, Yuki was it? Well, it didn’t matter right now. [color=orange]“Welp, might as well get started.”[/color] He said calmly as he turned to leave, stretching his arms above his head. [color=orange]“Good meeting everyone.”[/color] He added expecting everything to more or less fall into place without much conflict.