Name: Lán yuèliàng lóng [hider=appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Colour: blue Symbol: [img][/img] Race: Human Status: Student Age: 17 Bio: Life had never been easy for this girl, as it is with everyone else. Lan was born in a small town in Mistral, and like most residents in Mistral, her upbringing was not the best. Her father had left her and her mother when she was four which drove her mother to be an abusive drunk. For the next few years she dealt with her mother, and grew to hate her. It was not until she turned eight, that she ran away from home. The next few years of her life would be understanding that in mistral it was do what you had to do to survive, so she did just that. At the age of nine she affiliated herself with the one of the various small gangs, and anything ranging from petty theft to mugging she did, and did not think twice about it. She would have committed murder if it meant she could live another day. It wasn't until she turned ten that she changed her life for the better. She had met a monk who she had tried to mug, but failed miserably after the monk embarrassed her and the others she was with. Before the monk could do anything else, she and the others ran off, but unfortunately for her, this was not the last time she would see the monk. Over the course of the next few weeks, the girl had constant run-ins with her, some violent some not. After the eighth or ninth time they met, the monk had gotten curious about the her and asked why she was in the situation she was in. She treated Lan to a meal in hopes to gain information about her, yet she remained resistant to the monk's charm. Eventually the monk wore her down, as a result the girl told her reluctantly told her everything. The monk felt the anger and hurt from this girl and offered her a place at the monastery in Vacuo. Lan had never thought about leaving Mistral, as she thought she would be there forever, but she was tired of living from day to day. She knew she could not just up and leave, at least not while she was affiliated with her gang. Luckily however the monk was in no rush, so she told the girl she would meet her outside the town at sun up and she could give her answer then. The girl agreed to meet her and went back to her gang's hideout to mull it over, and after a lot of thought, she decided to leave mistral. Her gang however when she told them did not take the news so well. When the time for her to show up and give the monk her answer came, the monk noticed she did not show up and went to look for her. She found a few members of her gang and managed to beat the answer out of them, and went to the hideout. After clearing the gang out, she found the the girl beaten and battered. The girl was overjoyed to see a friendly face, even if she could not show it at the time. After giving her answer that she would go with the monk, they set out that afternoon. They arrived at the monastery three weeks later where she began her new life. over the next six years of her life, the monk personally trained her in hand to hand combat, taught her how to use a weapon, unlock her semblance, and helped her work through emotional problems as well. Throughout the years she had seen how the situation with the white fang and grimm had gotten to be a problem, and wanted to help. On her seventeenth birthday she had decided she wanted to attend beacon academy to become a huntress in order to hopefully do some good. After a long and arduous process she was accepted and went to beacon. This will be her first year at beacon, and she is eager to start. [hider=weapon] [img][/img] [/hider] Gender: Female Weapon: Blue Comet- Her weapon of choice is a bo staff she calls blue comet. It was given to her as a gift from her old master as a good luck gift. The staff is outfitted with blades at both ends with retractable guards whcih she keeps on when sparring. The staff's secondary function is a bow which uses arrows filled with various types of dust. Semblance/Special Ability: Lan's semblance is a defensive ability she calls iron wall. It allows her to use various shields to block incoming attacks, however her semblance has a weak point as she is only able to block attacks she can see. This means that someone could catch her off guard from behind, she also has like most people her limits and if overused, it can leave her fatigued. Equipment: Blue comet, arrows, satchel