[center][h2][b]Jejomar Salinas[/b][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://media.philstar.com/images/the-philippine-star/entertainment/20140305/piolo-pascual.jpg[/img][/center] [center][u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Office then arriving to Mighty Bean [u][b]Texting with:[/b][/u] Feliks [@Turnaround Amy], Eva [@Aewin] and Natalya [@HushedWhispers][/center] [hr] Now, Jejomar wasn't the kind of person to get drunk. He hated getting drunk, it was when things went from good to [i]really[/i] bad. He knew what happened when he was drunk and he didn't like it. From the sloppy kisses with homeless people (he still had the taste in his mouth the next morning) to singing his heart out in karaoke (his voice sounds like a zombie when singing). So when he stirred from his slumber with a pounding headache with a beer in hand, he knew something was up. He worked just ten minutes away from the apartments, in a tall glass office building. They recently released their newest game and they celebrated this by partying like animals. Jay was roped in and now regretted not leaving. The headache was a deep, painful throb. The kind that drives into you, twisting around in there, pulling out harshly and then thrusting back in (innuendo unintended). Jejomar woke up on the floor, waking to a world of hurt and people. His co-workers and fellow interns were strewn across the blue carpet, beer oozing out of opened cans with the broken piñata pieces were spread everywhere. Holding his head in pain, he propped himself up and looked at the sight. "[color=wheat]Why do I work with you guys?[/color]" He muttered under his breath, getting up on his feet before falling on his face with a loud [b]THUD[/b]. [h1][b]THUD![/b][/h1] Jejomar let out a loud yelp of terror as face met with floor. '[color=wheat][i]Okay, standing up when hung over is difficult. If only it didn't hurt this much.[/i][/color]' He eventually stood up and stumbled out of the office, grabbing his fedora on the way before tripping on a drooling intern who was sleeping like a starfish. He slammed into the elevator, carefully putting his beer can down before pressing the glowing "G". As the elevator descended downwards, his headache began to diminish slowly. He sighed in relief, letting himself relax in the slow moving elevator. He pulled out his phone, an incredibly cheap Samsung Galaxy J1, and then updated Feliks. Mostly for jokes, really. [center][color=wheat][b]To: Feliks the Trouble Magnet[/b] G'morning. Got drunk on accident, massive headache. May have new tattoo, made out with another homeless man or sang "Mama Mia" again. Hope you're happy and laughing about this *sarcasm*. Heading to Mighty Bean, you there?[/color][/center] Jejomar looked the text over once more before tapping "Send". His drunk adventures has been a kind of joke among the group, not that he liked kissing homeless men. No. Not at all. He cringed at the thought and subconsciously wiped his tongue with his hand. '[color=wheat][i]I should baptise my tongue in fire. I had way too much to drink that night.[/i][/color]' He shook his head of such thoughts, the elevator doors opening to the underground parking lot. The man walked towards his reliable Nissan Juke, a gift from his parents that they bought for him when they visited. The interior was a little tight but it was a good car. He liked to use it mostly because SUV's don't really stand out in the roads of America. Jay entered the car and turned the car on with a turn of the key. As he revved the engine, he felt a gnawing feeling at the back of his mind. Like he was forgetting something. '[color=wheat][i]The last time I had this, I forgot Eva's birthday....[/i][/color]' His thoughts trailed off as he drove out of the parking lot. His mind wandered for answers, possibilities were written up and crossed out in the blackboard of the mind. "Did I forget to bring my bag? No, I left that in the apartment." He rambled on "Did I tell Eva that I was gone?" He immediately scratched that out, remembering what she said the other night. "[i][color=fdc68a]Go out there, it's good that you're getting out there.[/color][/i]" Jejomar smiled, that girl was a real star. A kind of pseudo-sister who helps him, he appreciated her help all the time. '[color=Wheat][i]Well if it isn't that, what did I forget..... Oh.[/i][/color]' He turned his phone on quickly, checking the date and confirming his suspicions. He usually wasn't one to forget someone's birthday, it probably had something to do with him getting smashed. Of course he already bought her present, he just forgot the specific date. Yeah, that sounds bad. Taking himself out of his thoughts, Je-Je found himself in front of the Mighty Bean. He mentally patted his own head, thanking his subconscious for driving while daydreaming in the driver's seat. Quickly realising that's something crazy people do, he immediately chastised himself for patting the head of an imaginary person in his head. Without thinking about the fact that he chastised [i]himself[/i], like he was talking to another person. He parallel parked in front of the Mighty Bean, taking care not to bump into the other cars. Quickly reaching for his phone, he texted Natalie. [center][color=wheat][b]To: Tazzie[/b] Happy Birthday Nat! I totally didn't forget about your birthday because I got drunk! Please prevent Feliks from getting me drunk on your birthday. T_T He's relentless.[/color][/center] Jejomar let out a small smile as he sent the message. He pocketed his phone before heading out of the car, closing the door and locking it in one swift motion. He spotted Eva in the café, talking to someone. He was going to approach the door before pausing. A thought slowly creeped up in his mind, cheeks getting redder. '[color=wheat][i]Is Echo there?[/i][/color]' And so, poor Jay opened and scrambled into his car, whipping his phone and frantically texting the one person that he knows is in the Mighty Bean. [center][color=wheat][b]To: Kind of Big Sister that is younger than me[/b] [h3]IS ECHO THERE?!?!?!?![/h3][/color][/center]