The sky was a vast expanse of dark looming clouds that had long since passed threatening to rain as drops slammed against the windows, roofs, and cement of the city below. It was easy to say that no one would be starting their day without an umbrella if they should venture outside for any reason. It was a bit of surprise to see rain happening on the last few days of freedom before the start of school for many but who ever said nature made sense. The downpour of noise didn't reach the ears of one person, no matter how much she usually loved the sound and enjoyed watching it. Shizuka didn't move from her spot on the bed, her honey eyes staring up at the ceiling as her mind drifted through memories for she didn't know how long. She hated thinking about it day in and out but with her brother gone, the silence and loneliness of the house was like a prison. She sighed, turning on her side and looking around the darkness of her bedroom with only a small source of light coming from the Neuro Linker that had been yet to be turned off. The small piece of technology had been the lead in to the biggest mistake of her life and yet it use to bring her so much joy. Could she ever get back into the game? Could she enjoy Brain Burst again? Had someone taken her spot as King? No, Mamorimasu would have said something but what if her Legion disbanded or people joined other Legions..... what would she do then? A King with no one? Would she just be doomed to be alone no matter what world she was in? All this and more swirled in her mind that she was about ready to pick the thing up and chuck it where it could not be seen. Shizuka pushed off the bed, swiping the thing up off the desk and raised it about her head for but a second before pausing to bring it back down slowly. She twirled it in her hands gently before placing it on, her eyesight correcting itself and seeing everything else pop up. Her home network was the only one she ever connected to and even then it was never for very long since it was usually another disappointing message from her parents about being gone or not to expect them. A beep or two notified of a new message but instead of her parents it was actually a message from a friend which was a bit of a surprise. She tapped the air, clicking the open to the message to give it a read. [hr] Kikyo was glued to the controller as she watched the cutscene of her newest game and worked on the right method for her next move. She couldn't help grinning ear to ear and relaxing into the beanbag chair she had comfortably place before the television. This had been one of the best ones so far and much better than the first game which was saying a lot. She loved the time off from school and was a bit sad that she would have to leave her games and go back to the fake world just beyond her plushie filled room soon. It was so much stress to pretend all the time and she wasn't looking forward to it at all. It was hard to make new friends and that would be the only way she would ever be able to show a piece of her real self at this point. A groan escaped her just of the thought of it but luckily that wasn't something she needed to worry about for now and she focused back in on her game when suddenly her belly gave a loud growl.[color=maroon]"When was the last time I ate again?"[/color]she mumbled to herself. Kikyo knew she had been holed up in her room for awhile but had she really lost track of that much time? Hitting the pause button, she got up and stretched up to the ceiling before heading to the kitchen to see what there was to make. Unfortunately, the pickings looked slim and she would need to go out shopping if she wanted to actually make something instead of snack. She debated for a second, weighing the pros and cons before realizing she would need to shop later anyway so why not now. Kikyo slammed the fridge shut, moving over to the entrance and pulling on her coat. She yanked on her hood, watching the rain for but a moment before shutting as well as locking the front door before stepping out into the storm.