Looks: [center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/120f954e7e9770cf98f18bbe6c39d8dc/tumblr_mt2m7vl2eG1r6fyyao1_500.jpg[/img][/center] Outfit: [center][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/e01b174670a005b24b3714d251342b2e/http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p75/je3n/Hot%20anime%20boys/swordsman2.jpg[/img][/center] [color=gray]Name: [/color]Johnny Greyson [color=gray]Colour: [/color]Ash [hider=Symbol][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/Paranoia190/BlazBlue/EMB_RGN.png[/img][/hider] [color=gray]Race: [/color]Human [color=gray]Status: [/color]Student [color=gray]Age: [/color]18 [color=gray]Bio:[/color]Johnny is a only child who was born in a village near the capital city of "Atlas". His father "Michael Greyson" is a poorly respected mortician because yeah who wants to be a friend of a guy whose job it is to bury the persons you love for an exchange in money. He's a righteous man who loves his son. He taught him how to fight with manners but the most important lesson he showed him was the "death" itself. When you are surrounded by death your attitude will get cold and emotionless. You are turning into a quick and deadly killer without hesitation to take a life. Linda Greyson, his mother, was a very talented author that died through a tragic fire death. The villagers put their house on fire because they blamed the "Greysons" for starting a plague. But what they didn't know was that Michael and Johnny were in another town in this time. What happened with the villagers is an unspoken mysterium because they are all gone now. Some people say they took revenge other people say the plague or the grimm took their lives. No one will ever find this out because there are no witnesses left. 2 years later (present) Johnny (18) is now all by himself. What happened with his father is unknown. He seeks for justice and wants to wipe out all the evil in the world. So he made his way to Beacon Academy to achieve his desire. TO BE A HUNTER [color=gray]Gender: [/color]Male [hider=Weapon][img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/1ad5/th/pre/i/2014/300/b/f/enki_durga_and_infernal_terror_by_zemryx-d84bgo4.jpg[/img][/hider] Simple and classic. Greatsword + Katana (it's not a gun xD) [color=gray]Semblance: [/color]Thunder Spear (like Zeus, so i have a range attack :D) I can only charge this attack on daylight. During night or within buildings i have no access on this ability. [color=gray]Equipment: [/color]My sword (Ragna Justice), my cloths and a cross necklace from my father as a keepsake.