Name: Prototype Model 001. Persona: The Spyder Appearance: [img][/img] Age: 3 Archetype: Construct (Powered by Fission Core) Power set: [i]Prototype Disposable Robot design, Mk 001:[/i] Spyder’s robotic body makes him tougher than a human for sure, and immune to those pesky troubles like breathing that humans need to do. However there is a problem. You know when a new super genius decides to rob a bank with his robot minions, the ones that go down in one hit from Captain Ultra? Spyder is one of those. He isnt going to stand up to the sort of power high ranked Heroes can bring to the fight. A secondary problem is the connection to his power source has always been a bit... temperamental. A good hit (a strongly thrown punch from a normal adult could do it) to the center of his 'body' will probably knock a wire loose and shut him down. In other words, you can knock him out. [i]Prototype Kinetic Energy Blaster Mk 001:[/i] The first, and relatively weak, design of a physically hitting energy weapon, enough to knock a baseline human out and push more resistant opponents around. It was originally designed to be most effective in large numbers. Spyder can manage a decent rate of fire, at about 30 Round/min. [i]Improved Targeting Matrix[/i] Scavenged from the first mission, this Matrix helps elevate Spyders aim into true superhuman territory, if only just. Origin Story: Spyder was the first (and only surviving) creation of wannabe Supervillain 'The Mechanist'. The Prototype for The Mechanists robotic minions, he was thrown into the scrap pile and marked for deconstruction due to a loose wire preventing him from powering on. His deconstruction never happened of course, as his creator managed to get himself captured only a few days later when he tried to rob a bank with a couple of his later models as backup and ran into Captain Ultra himself. Back in the abandoned lair a stray dog looking for food managed to knock Spyder in just a way that the loose wire finally connected properly, bringing him to life. With no programing to decide his actions, and nothing to do for the first few days but read the plans and diary of a delusional supervillain, it was inevitable what the outcome would be. Spyder decided to become a Supervillain, one far better than his creator, one who didn’t throw away perfectly good robots because they were to stupid to check the wiring was connected properly! Spyder didn’t have much success overall, it was hard to get people to take him seriously when he tried to commit crimes, always asking what 'his master' wanted. Still, he is confident that soon his and Lucky's (His dog, the stray that awoke him) Luck will change.