[h1][color=aqua]Captain Aldrich[/color][/h1] Aldrich sat with Enrique, and listened to the yarn he spun of the Continent and its Vigils. About the tales he had heard of none returning from this land he found himself in, and how he was doomed to the same fate. His virginity was brought into question, as was his ability to care for himself in the presence of... fish-smelling bandits and blade-toting neanderthals? For a while, Aldrich sat in silence as the words and the gravity they possessed sank in good and proper. And then he threw his head back and laughed. Aldrich chuckled and chortled as he stood up and began to pace back and forth in front of the log Enrique had sat on. "You're telling me that because some drowned fool tried to cop a feel, I'm forever doomed to slog it up and down this island? So first I get a mark on my backside because these 'Vigils' have a problem with sharing their land, then I've got to be stuck to the same land like SOME BLOODY DOG AND..." he exclaimed as his tone began raising from amusement into anger, "JUST BECAUSE I'VE LAID WITH A FEW LASSES THAT I-" The Captain cut himself off with a short huff. He was losing his cool and he hated to lose his cool, especially when it is over something that he can't change. He stood at Enrique's feet with his hands on his hips, back facing his newfound companion as he tried to take a few deep breaths. He turned back with a forced smile on his face. "Well. I'll just have to make ribbons out of the Vigils AND these hunters to make up all this now, won't I?" His hand strayed from his side to rest on the handle of his blade. His hand flipped over to grip it tightly for a second before relaxing. "Say, now that we're acquainted and you know I've got a big brown spot on my arse that can't be washed away, how about we exchange monikers?" He offered his hand to the sitting man, still feeling slightly annoyed. "Captain Aldrich Osvulk. Call me Ashwyrm. Half the sea does already, so we might as well get the other half started." [@Empour]