[hider=Appearance][center][img]http://file2.npage.de/012746/61/bilder/blade-master-elsword-27118219-500-487_1_.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Blade.Master.%28Raven%29.full.1473416.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Name: Dante Winfield Colour: Dark Blue [hider=Symbol][center][img]http://img06.deviantart.net/ec58/i/2014/341/6/0/you_set_the_example_for_the_rest_of_us_by_blazingcobalt-d88zypf.png[/img][/center][/hider] Race: Human Status: Student Age: 18 Bio: Dante was trained deep in the dark forest where the grimm linger. His whole childhood was spent in preparation for the battle against the grimm. Dante's mentor was able to teach him all kind of essential lessons to survive, but this is not enough to be a hunter of grim. But ... I suppose this is not what you wanted to hear, is it? His story began approximately 12 years ago. It was a dark and cool night. The moon shone bright. I remeber it very well. Late at that night a man came closer to my house. He had a small boy was holding his hand. I didn't know the man, or so I thought at first. I recognized him. We met before. A good hunter, a righteous hunter, a hunter with the ability to attract problemes. Qrow Branwen. Some of you might know him... It was obvious that he was in a battle recently. He asked me a favor, to raise this very young boy and to train him as good as I can. I rejected, the wilds are no place for a kid. And so I told him, but he won't listen. He always told it would be important to let the kid here by my side. I looked at the boy. The boy was injured. Not badly. But still... he didn't cry. It was deep at night, it was cold, he surely missed his family, but still he didn't cry... a strange boy. I hesitated a long time. But in the end give in. I promised Qrow that I would raise the boy, but I also told him that I don't think that he will survive in the wilds. I have never been so wrong in all my life. The boy learned much and quick. Understood the meaning of nature, justice and honor. He did always what I asked him to do. And mostly without talking back. I had to promise Qrow to hold onto some conditions Firstly never tell the boy what happened at that night and secondly to send him to beacon when the time is right. The first one was the most difficult one. The boy always questioned what happened at that night. I refused every time. I told him over and over again: it is not important what happened, it is important to know who you are today, and the most important thing of all is: to know who you want to be tomorrow. After quite a while he stopped asking me. But to think that he would accept answer for good, would be foolish. The second condition was the easier one. He was eager to travel to Beacon. I know he is planning something. Kid, don't do something stupid... [hider=Mentor][center][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/48cd/f/2012/328/7/7/mortis_by_toguza-d5m1s93.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Gender: Male Weapon: The blade shown in the first character picture (Oathbreaker) + some knifes like in picture two and [hider=Gun][center][img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/dd65/th/pre/i/2015/297/c/6/sci_fi_revolver__final__by_bringmeasunkist-d5a6fm0.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] for some distance attacks Semblance/Special Ability: Dust essential negate every dust attack and convert it into energy, but dust is vital for his life He has to take modified dust shots periodically to stay alive. Equipment: modified dust shots