[center][h2][color=orange]Jethro Roranson[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Marcus had went to bed early the previous night so he could wake up early so he could start the patch download as early as he could. For the first time in a long time he was truly excited about something. He had spent the whole morning prepping snacks and drinks, and scheduling bathroom breaks. He had just finished making queso when he heard the alert on his computer go off that the patch was done downloading. [i][color=orange]"Holy crap that was huge!"[/color][/i] He thought when he saw the size of the file. [i][color=orange]"No wonder it took so long."[/color][/i] Marcus' inner ten year old then laughed at the possible "That's what she said" joke before sitting down and anxiously signing in to his account. He was awestruck at the new layout as he clicked to log into his Level 5 Dwarf, Jethro. That was then things started to get really really [b]really[/b] weird. His office seemed to faze out of existance before his body suddenly felt weightless before everything suddenly went dark. Marcus then opened his eyes as he jolted back into consciousness like waking up from a falling dream. His breath erratic he took in his surroundings. He was sitting on the ground in what seemed like a cave. It what looked to him what the inside of The Killigan Family Mine shaft whould look like if he were actually there, but that was impossible. Wasn't it? He then lifted arms that weren't his, watched fingers move under his command that weren't his, and feel facial features that weren't his. At least they weren't [i]supposed[/i] to be his. He then stood on legs that weren't his, and that's when he officially freaked. [b][color=orange]"I'M FUCKING JETHRO! WHAT THE HELL!"[/color][/b] Screamed the dwarf when he realized how short he was compared to what he used to be. His voice echoing in the cavern causing dust to unsettle and fall from the cave ceiling. In the real world Marcus was a little over six feet tall. Now, Jethro is just barely over four feet tall. Although he is wider, thicker, and heavier than he used to be somehow it all seemed natural. He just couldn't get over how short he was now. [i]That[/i] would take some time. So with it all starting to sink in he reached over his right shoulder to grab what he had equpped. If he remembered correctly he was farming ore for a quest and had his pickaxe equipped. It wasn't there. He could feel the weight of it. but the hilt wasn't there. He looked over his left shoulder. There it was. Did the game seriously take into consideration he was left handed? In fact in the real world Marcus was indeed left handed naturally, but he grew an affinity for being ambidextrous for video games. Scoffing he grabbed the pickaxe and hefted it from it's sheath. Oddly enough it felt right, no, completely natural in his hands. Then he remembered the racial bonuses he took into consideration when he picked his first skills. Dwarves have natural affinity to hammers and because of their ancient history being know as miners have an innate knowledge of the craft. It was then he had an idea. Stepping up to the node he had last been working on Jethro took a swing at it with his pickaxe. All of a sudden a tune he recognised started playing in his head. It was the tune to the rhythm minigame you played to mine. As it appraoched the first verse a tiny light started to appear on the node pulsing to the beat of the song. When it grew brightest Jethro struck it in time to the tune. He loved rhythm games. It was the second reason he chose mining. So swinging and striking and digging along Jethro bobbed to the beat until it was over and a hologram box popped up in front of him. It startled him at first then he realized, how else would they impliment the menus? He reached for the box when he remembered the game probably registered him as left handed for the menus too. So he switched hands and opened the box. Another interface appeared reveiling what he dug up. A dozen chunks of iron ore, a few chunks of copper ore, and a small raw piece of quartz. He placed them in his bag then returned his pickaxe to his back. Another prompt appeared that said his quest was complete and gave him directions to who he needed to turn the items in to. Jethro accepted the prompt and it dissapeared. He knew where that was. Warehouse district, Aberlyne. He was nearby. Kiligan Mine was in the foot hills outside the west of town. Finally figuring out how to manully access the menus Jethro switched weapons for just in case he ran into trouble along the way and summoned Twinkle, his boar companion. He pet the young female on the forhead before heading off to the city blissfully unaware of the awaiting chaos.