[color=fff79a]"Hey! Make sure to be careful!"[/color] Justin called after the two girls as they decided to split off and head towards the cadaver that Irina had mentioned. Although he knew the only way to get answers was to move forward and follow these 'mission' of theirs, he still felt uneasy at the whole ordeal. Everything seemed to be moving way too fast, and he just hope that they were all able to meet up again with their heads intact. Sighing, he turned to face the other two, Austin and Cleo. [color=fff79a]"So it's the three musketeers then, at least for now."[/color] Justin gave a small pause as he eyed them both, before shifting his body and straightening his posture. He made his way past Austin, and opened the door to room 7. [color=fff79a]"I guess I should stash my stuff in here too."[/color] As the space became available to him, Justin took the time to analyze the room. It wasn't much different than his, with the bed and useless trash scattered about. His eyes made their way to the box that belonged to Austin, and it was there that Justin decided to place his. Then, a thought occurred to him. Standing up, Justin made his way back to his acquaintances. [color=fff79a]"We need to set up rules,"[/color] Justin said suddenly as he leaned against the entry way, resting his limber body against the door frame as he dusted off his hands. [color=fff79a]"And keep track of whoever enters this room. Look, I don't want to sound like an ass right now, but we have no reason to trust each other whatsoever. I mean, I'm grateful that I'm not suffering in Hell alone, but at the same time, I would never know if one of you guys want a knife in my back. What if one of us is the actual culprit for this whole mess? It's a shitty thought, I know, but you can't deny the possibility. So that means we'll need to keep an eye out for any potential threats that would want to harm any of us by using our...stuff."[/color] He glanced at Austin, indicating the man's revolver and his own syringe kit. He then glances at Cleo's hatchet - dull as it may be, it could still bust someone's brains out. [color=fff79a]"If we need to distribute food, then we'll need to do so when all of us are together. This room should be prohibited at all times, unless the group deems it necessary to access the tools."[/color] Justin licked his lips nervously, though his eyes held strong. [color=fff79a]"Do you guys agree? I didn't want to sound like a tyrant, but I wouldn't feel safe leaving potential weapons unguarded unless we have some understanding between all of us."[/color] He then turned to Cleo. [color=fff79a]"And we'll have to keep that wall of debris in mind. Question is...was it purposely collapsed? With everything going on so far, I feel it may be more than meets the eye. But more importantly, you and I still need to go pick up our prizes. I'm wondering if we should wait for the other two, or if we should go check it out really quick..."[/color] The young man eyed the end of the hallway hesitantly. [color=fff79a]"We'll need to find it first, though."[/color] He took a deep breath, then said [color=fff79a]"Your call, Austin. Would you like me and Cleo to go find the drop-off by ourselves first? If so, then I suggest that you wait here with our stuff, as well as waiting for the two girls to come back. Chances are, maybe some other people might show up since you and I have become pretty popular within the last ten minutes or so."[/color] Justin gave a small smile. [color=fff79a]"Or you can come with us. But we'll need to do something about this door."[/color] He tested the door frame with a solid fist as if trying to make a point. [color=fff79a]"Or we can just wait for them to come back, but honestly, I feel like we're wasting precious time just sitting around. We only have so much food and water, you know."[/color] Justin looked at the other man expectantly. Though they have only been together for a short amount of time after waking up, Justin can already see that Austin was the most rational and level-headed out of the rest of them, which, in Justin's eyes, qualifies him as a potential leader to all of the difficult decision that may come. If they all wanted to get through this alive, then some sort of initiative must keep them united.