[hider=Adrasteia Laskaris][center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1omlpIR2a1qlq52f.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b]”Adra” River Laskaris[/b][/u] [u][b]Physical Age: 26 years, Beast Age: 2956 [/b][/u] [u][b]Female[/b][/u] [u][b]Death Investigation/Coroner/Pathologist[/b][/u] Adra does Pinehollow Investigations few and far between Death investigations; however most of her actual pathology and coroner work is done for Wasco County’s Coroner. Adra largely does leg work, badge flashing, and other general investigative/monster removal work for PHPI leaving most of the actual forensic and scene work to Angela. Adra also specializes in water related incidents and water related supernatural beings. [u][b]Species: Makara[/b][/u] From the outside Adra looks like a normal human female but on the inside she is a Makara, an ancient creature of the deep dark waters. Makara are an embodiment of the dreams people have of being pulled down into deep dark waters. Adra began as a human but the depths of the ocean and the dark bottoms of lakes had always called to her. One night her nightmares swallowed her up and a Makara took up residence within her. After that fateful nightmare Adra was well and truly a monster of the depths. [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Adra is about five foot seven with an athletic build coming largely from her background in law enforcement. Adra wears her hair short constantly as it keeps it out of her face and prevents it from being grabbed too easily. All of Adra’s clothing is practical for the most part featuring leather, jeans, and work shirts. Adra also maintains a more fashionable wardrobe for any undercover work the Pinehollow investigations group may need done. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Adra is relatively even tempered with a penchant for teasing and a generally mild demeanor. Most of the time she can be found doing case work for Wasco County’s Sheriff's department. At her work is is calm and caring and watches out for the families of the deceased and is always quick help and be there for the families. Adra possesses a cold and merciless demeanor for her hunts. Adra preys on the other monsters in the night and on the humans that are just as monstrous. Adra does her best to hunt down and render powerless those who feed overly much on the people around them. Werewolf, vampire, human; species matters little to Adra as she is well equipped to deal with the other predators in the night. This side of Adra also comes of as coldly seductive, often leading those foolish enough to follow after her to their downfall. [u][b]Other[/b][/u] Adra has a penchant for water. The lakes and rivers in Wasco County are where Adra spends most of her time she isn’t working cases for either the county coroner or Pine Hollow Investigation. This is supplemented with a moderate social and dating life as well as a favorite bar. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] Angela || Huggable || “Can I keep her?” Bishop and Gabe || Respectable || “Wait...Who am I talking to..?” Bill || Friendly || “You are really big” Sadoa || Smart || “I guess you could say he’s kinda see through”[/hider]