[center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cd/38/47/cd3847cfb4a48cd04c35dae0c257019d.jpg[/img] [color=f7941d]"Courage, is the greatest quality of a warrior!"[/color] [color=8dc73f]Name:[/color] Lem Bloom [color=8dc73f]Age: [/color]26 [color=8dc73f]Position In Tribe:[/color] Archer, soldier [color=8dc73f]Skill:[/color] [color=fff200]Archery:[/color] Lem is a highly skilled archer within the Oakheart army. His talent with a bow and arrow are immensely admired by lower-ranking archers and he is considered to be amongst the best of his profession. He has since been handed the role of a 'training officer' for archer recruits in the army. [color=fff200]Swordsmanship:[/color] Though Lem only has the basic skills in handling a sword, he much prefers to use a small blade or throwing weapons. [color=fff200]Agility:[/color] Speed is something that Lem can be a associated with. He is very light on his feet and can also scale heights at a fast pace. [color=8dc73f]Personality:[/color] Lem can come across as a little arrogant and vein. His self-confidence and over-assertiveness has often landed him in hot water a few times in the past and has often been his downfall. Despite this he is still considered a hard working member of the tribe. He will not hesitate when given an instruction and will carry it out the best of his ability. Though, it may not seem he takes his work serious enough at times, his dedication to the cause is doubtless. [color=8dc73f]Weapon:[/color] A bow made from the branch of a yew tree. The arrows are also crafted from a yew tree branch, tipped with leaftonite heads. Sparrow feather's complete the making of the arrows. A throwing axe with a leaftonite blade. [color=8dc73f]Family:[/color] Born in to one of the more wealthier families of the tribe, Lem had a reasonably good upbringing. His father, Ringard, a former politician of the High Council, is a highly respected member of the tribe. Although he is semi-retired and enjoys the finer things in life he still likes to get involved in the Council from time to time. Lem's mother, Herriette, is a house proud Watcher, who's hobby's are to help with the cooking of the feasts for the seasonal festivals. The Bloom family also consists of their four daughter's ,Gretchen, Coral, Rosetta and Daisy, who are all older than Lem, who is their only son. Each sister has their own role within the tribe, though they all now have infant Watchers to nurture. [color=8dc73f]Bio:[/color] As mentioned above, Lem, along wth his four sisters, had a reasonably stable upbringing, He was taught how a Watcher should behave and learned of their culture and heritage. From a young age Lem was fascinated with the power of the elements. He was most intrigued by the element of fire and learned the basic spell of how to cast small bursts of fire. He enjoyed lighting up the candles around the family home and the lighting of the logs beneath the stove in which to warm the stew. This was as far as it got regarding the elements of magic, as his attention quickly turned to that of mastering a long/short bow, when his father gave him the gift of a small hunting bow on the eve of the Festival of Frost. Since then, Lem has become one with a bow. [color=8dc73f]Other: [/color] [hider=Mount - Hunter!][img]http://www.pestcontrolrx.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/08/26/fieldmouse.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center]