[@booksmusicanime] "Then it's settled!" Asgore announced, joyous to be having company over. It felt like it had been a [i]life-time[/i] since he was last visited by anyone. He tried not to let it bother him too much, knowing the others were busy with their new lives above the Underground, but he couldn't help but be a little lonely. When they were all still in the Underground, it seemed like the monsters came to him for every problem, like they looked for his say in everything they did! Now, he was feeling the slightest bit forgotten. With his past atrocities, perhaps that would best for them all? To forget? As he was daydreaming, the fluffy monster instinctively took hold of Mana's hand, but he recoiled as soon as he realized what he'd done, holding the culprit hand nervously while he glanced sideways at the lady. "A-Ah... A thousand pardons, Mana," he mumbled in embarrassment, a soft pink blush lying over his crinkled face now. "I may have mistook you as a child before, due to our sizes, but I can see now that you are not... I mean not to treat you as such." He gave a tiny dip of the head while walking, a gesture of respect for the little human. "I suppose it is just a habit of mine," he chuckled awkwardly, his long ears pressed back. "I once had a child before."