[@thanatosDefiant] [@booksmusicanime] Toriel was grateful when the two did not protest, a happy smile spreading her lips. When Frisk mentioned the possibility of seeing Sans, she only felt her smile soften, and a wistful haze clouded her round eyes. She hoped that they could see the tiny skeleton, as well. She had a few jokes that she wanted to share with him. The tall monster made sure that the oven was off and that the pie had the space to cool before turning the kitchen lights out. "Come, children," she chimed happily, adjusting her straw summer hat a smidgen and dusting the last bit of flour from her robe. She had more clothes, recently acquired, but she was still particularly fond of the robe that adorned the old royal crest. It was filled with too many memories to simply do away with. She waited patiently at the door for Frisk and Flowey, her small crochet purse in throw. She was very glad that she did not manage to forget it! That had happened one too many times before, unfortunately.