Name: Eric Belmont Persona: Spades Appearance: This is he, minus the color coded cards [img][/img] Age: 23 Archetype: Magic Power set: Throwing Cards (1) Eric carries a deck of playing cards which he can be used as weapons. The cards are, on impact, about as strong as bullets. Eric doesn't have the best aim with them yet, though he can hit somebody in the chest at twenty five feet with some degree of confidence. Luck of the Draw (3) Eric can tell what the top card of a deck of playing cards will be, because he decides what the top card is. Within a ten foot radius around Eric all standard playing card decks are in the arrangement he desires. While clearly not very helpful in a fight, Pann promises Eric that it can be helpful, and of course Eric would have a hard time losing at any card games ever again. Dead Mans Hand (Special) Eric's cards are so soaked in death and blood, that they are specifically powerful against those of light and holy magic. Origin Story: Eric Belmont was the fourth child of an improvised family living in Break City. With the hope of feeding said family all of his brothers went on to become warriors in the vile army of Lord Ultimatum, "the greatest villain in the universe!!!" He took Bobby Blue's fist like a champ. Eric's brothers were all incarcerated and he couldn't do anything about it. So he did the only sensible thing, he attempted to break into prison. This didn't go well at all. In his own cell Eric sat there, uncertain what to do, until he received a package. A lovely red box, with a black string holding it close. All that was inside was a playing card, the ace of spades. The curious thing was, when Eric picked it up, it started talking to him. As it turned out, the last remains of a near dead demon was held within, a demon apparently obsessed with the south, gambling, and playing cards. The two made a deal, if Eric let the demon piggyback inside of him the demon, called Pann, would held Eric get out and help his family. Eric was released that same day, his bail paid by some eccentric millionaire. When Eric got home though, it was aflame, his family was dead. Eric had nothing left. So he, at the mental urging of the demon, took up a live of crime. His first act would be to make a very small fortune cheating at poker with the use of his powers. Some money in hand Eric made his way to Mercury City, where he could make it big. He had no connections though, so he decided the only reasonable thing to do was to rob a bank and hope for the best. He was beaten to a pulp by some heroes sidekick. Eric vowed he would get more powerful, if he did than Pann would too, and together they could become something great.