[Center] Appearance: [IMG]http://s4.favim.com/orig/140731/manga-gore-blood-horror-Favim.com-1958894.jpg[/img] [Color=Red] "Don't you ever wonder what makes us tick!!!"[/color] Name: Tattori, Jin Age: 17 Short Bio: [B] "I-I don't know how he escaped but if anyone gets this tape listen to my every word closely. This asylum has contained many strange people the pass few years but not to long ago a kid was recently put here. At fist I believe inmate BLC66 would progress and regain his sanity...I was truely mistaken.......I must go!!!......J-just don't agi- *click*[/b] [Right]-Anonymous Doctor[/right] Hobbies: Walking, stalking his next target, daydreaming. Dislikes: Screeching, Annoying people, Popular Students, and bossy people. Other info: [B] "He's a brutal psychopath. Brutally beating his victims to death. We haven't noticed any other signs of blunt weapons but we've notice he commonly strangles some of his victims with what seems to be chains. We've also figured that he must have a motive or reason for doing what he does. There might be a trigger word for this [u]coward [/u] but it's less likely that we'll find it. Don't worry we have this under control just be on the look out." [/b] [Right]-Police Chief a day before him and 3 other people went missing[/right] [/Center]