[img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/199b/th/pre/i/2013/166/4/0/brown_boy_by_cocon-d694jl6.jpg[/img] Name: Kenneth Ironside Colour: Gray Symbol: [IMG]http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh244/judgeofwings/untitljhted1mn0-1.png[/IMG] Race: Human Status: Student Age: 17 Bio: Kenneth was born in a small mining town in the countryside in Vale. His family were a family of smith's and his father was well-renowned for skill and worked on the weapons of well known and prominent hunters and huntresses. His life was peaceful and he planned to follow in his father footsteps when he came of age. It all came tumbling down however when The White Fang, seeking to sabotage Schnee mining operations in his hometown lured a bunch of Grimm into the town. It was a massacre and Kenneth watched his entire family torn apart by Grimm. Unable to do anything he ran for his life into the nearby forest only to be pursued by an Ursa. Lacking the strength to do anything about it he could only cower when the Ursa ripped his right arm off. He would've lost his life if he wasn't saved by one of the huntress assigned to aid the town. When the grimm were finally killed his hometown was in shambles. Following his injury he was taken in by the huntress who had saved him. Figuring it was the best way to make it up to his family for not being able to do anything, and as way to get some sort of revenge, he decided become a Hunter under his new "sister's" tutelage. He still wished to be a weapon-smith however and shows promise in the field able to come up with and create the Acmon Tacita for himself to function as a replacement arm and weapon. Despite it being his creation he's very insecure about the fact that he missing the arm and wears long sleeves and gloves whenever he's not in combat situation. Gender: Male Weapon: [hider=Acmon Tacita, Kenneth's custom built Combat Prosthetic Ordnance Arm (CPOA)] [hider=Standby Mode][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/36/11/b9/3611b9337df74769eb15b4272ecc6b8c.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Combat Mode][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/9bdf/f/2010/332/d/6/fullmetal_arm_by_lord_master-d33s7gc.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Gatling Mode][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/videogames/detail-page/B005TH6BD4.03.lg.jpg[/img][/hider] The Arm mode is capable of channeling different kinds of dust for devastating effects.[/hider] Semblance/Special Ability: Kenneth's semblance is known as Golem. Golem allows Kenneth to manipulate his aura to materialize a Golem creature to fight and tank for him and his allies. The Golem's size depends on his aura and at present he the largest golem he can create is the size of an Ursa. The golem's attributes can be changed through the use of dust. Equipment: His Engineering kit, gloves, Dust crystals & ammunition,