[h1]Drosil/Shadar Maeneld[/h1] Shadar couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the girl's obvious display of infatuation with the prince. It wasn't, however, a nice chuckle, as no amusement was present in his tone. It would be hard to quite pin down the main emotion that wasn't present within the action, only that the general tone wasn't a pleasant one. As the group made it's way to the suggested inn, Shadar followed only for a bit before quietly making his way off to the side. He found an empty space between to buildings, and took the brief moment of silence to pull out his sketchbook and work on what he currently had at the moment. He hadn't gotten the chance to do so for awhile, and while he didn't work on them much, he felt like he was in slightly better spirits than he was before. Still, he'd be damned if he had to sit through such painfully obvious displays of puppy love like that all the way to Gurata. [i]Sorry girl, looks like I'm going to have to put you through the living hell that is my brother's curiosity. Pray to your Gods that something else grabs his interest before you do.[/i] Shadar thought with another chuckle, before he was encompassed by blinding light again. When the light subsided, a slightly dazed and tired Drosil was in his place, who gave a slight yawn as he ran a hand through his rather atrocious case of bed head. This gave him some pause, as he wondered where he was transported if he could get a bed head from sleeping there. It was an interesting thought, but he couldn't really follow it further, as he could hear a commotion coming from nearby. [i]Hmm, I wonder whats all the ruckus is about. Best I go investigate, and hopefully I'll be able to find my party before they depart. I should also have my explanation ready n case Cyril questions my presence, but first I need to apologize to Joy for my . . . outburst the other day.[/i] With his course of action set, he made his way to the source of the noise, only to find that one of Cyril's men seemed to be choking some poor woman on the ground while another seemed to have been knocked to the ground. While certainly a strange scene, Drosil was quick to close in on the downed figure, his eyes swirling with excitement as he could sense the magical energy pulsing through him. e'd never seen anything like this, and it immediately removed any thoughts of studying the Lora girl from his mind, much more interested in this figure. While Alasa had them restrained, he spoke some words over him, his eyes taking a slight gaze as he began to run some preliminary scans of the figure, which revealed something rather odd to him. "Huh . . . you are very pretty and slight for a man." I could think of several Jasian matriarchs that would kill you a bodyshape similar to yours . . . and several more that would want you for themselves. Effeminate male house servants are in high demand amongst the older noblewomen of Jasi, for reasons I could only hazard a guess at, as well as several other choice words." He noted curiously, his scans not telling him much beside that Wanderer was skilled in magic, his age, had the build of a warrior, muscle damage and strain that suggested that he'd been in many battles, and a slight anomaly about him that he couldn't identify. Once he was done, he'd turn around, giving a slight nod before whispering once more in the language that cast his magic, bringing into being two small wisps that would fly around the two individuals. After that, he brought his fingers up to his lips, letting out a shrill sound to rake across the land. SHortly after, it was responded to by another shrill shriek, followed by a large amount of screaming, cursing, and general noise from the commonfolk as Sir Mauls appeared in all of his glory. His mandibles were also dripping with blood, which he got all over Drosil as he bull rushed the young mage, causing him to fall over with a soft grunt. By the time he had gotten the big creature off him, his robes where completely and totally ruined. Looking over at Sir Mauls with a harsh glare, which caused the Deathcrawler to let out a few clicks of remorse. "I'm glad you're happy to see me too, Sir Mauls, but for Divine's sake, please think before you come barreling in with your face all bloody like that. Even with Magic, this stain will take forever to get out, not to mention that the runes will have to be redone. Damn it all." Drosil mumbled to himself as he quickly removed the robe, leaving him in only the loose leather breeches he wore underneath it, and a rather light looking jerkin. While Drosil continued to complain to himself about the state of his robe, Sir Mauls was looking around at the others, mostly focusing on the new faces, though it gave Ennis a bit of a hard time by clicking it's mandibles in a threatening fashion as it passed him, though it was only half joking about wanting t at the man. Everything about him smelled of easy prey to Sir Mauls' predatory instinct. Surely no one would mind if it took a leg . . . or a head. "Sir Mauls' I know what you're thinking and no, the politician is not on the menu. You can't touch him, though you should get acquainted with him. Mr. Cade, is it, please try you're best not to make any sudden movements while Sir Mauls familiarizes himself with your scent. Deathcrawlers spook a bit easy." Sir Mauls clicked at Drosil in an annoyed fashion, before turning back to Cade, it's antennae reaching out to rub themselves over the man. If he did the smart thing and kept still, all would be fine. If he did the wrong thing and flailed about, he'd en up getting an antenna in his mouth as he did so, s well as a menacing bit of clicking as he earned Sir Mauls ire. After it's investigation of Ennis, he scuttled over to the man currently being held down, looking him over for a few seconds before making his way over to the girl, circling around her in a slow, methodical manner. IT was keeping her in one place, so if she tried to make a break for it or to go and help their ally, it'd have a Deathcrawler in their path. Drosil, meanwhile, had summoned some small river faes to cleanse his robes, giving them each a gold piece in thanks before he walked over to the group s a whole, giving a small bow to those who he had yet to be properly associated with. "Hello to those who I've yet to make acquaintence, my name is Drosil, and that is Sir Mauls, who I'm sure you're all somewhat acquainted with, though my brother may have neglected to do something that, while not the best experience, is very necessary. But before that, who might our current captives, hmmmm?" Drosil eyes turned to the Wanderer, a hungry gleam in his eye as he wished to cast more in depth scans on the man, so as to find out what made him tick. The anomaly in particular was something that he wished to learn of quite well. [i]Of course, I could always just ask them, but something tells me that doing so would lead to not very many answers."